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Do you agree with the Castle Doctrine?

I was reading The Essential Second Amendment Guide by Wayne LaPierre, and I was reminded of the Castle Doctrine. Defined by Google as, "a common law doctrine stating that an individual has no duty to retreat when in his or her home, or 'castle,' and may use reasonable force, including deadly force, to defend his or her property, person, or another."
Your thoughts?

dustindareawf 4 Nov 23

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Good luck getting away with that today.
The police will kill you before you even have a chance to mention it. Especially if you're black.

In my state, Iowa, we had a "duty to retreat" law, but it wasn't until April of this year that we adopted a castle doctrine. I guess I'm a bit confused.

@dustindarewf I guess I just don't understand how the police will care about this castle thing when they have swat teams that can take over your property in a blink.


Its a nice thought but its a dream. Fact is a gun in the house almost never is used in defense. They're used for suicide and domestic violence.

It doesn't have to be a gun. Could be a hammer, or a shovel, or a knife. Things found around the house.


LaPierre is a ultra-greedy, manipulative, lying demagogue who has long since sold out == in totality-- to the gun industry. Nothing this man says is to EVER be believed?? I say as a gun own (although I would never own a pistol, assault rifle, or any automatic weapon who was rated "expert" with an M-1 rifle in the US Army. I oppose those weapons, gun shows, open carry, and concealed weapons carry. They all threaten the safety of our society.


If someone enters your home uninvited and it is clear that their intentions ae malevolent, then you most certainly do have the right to protect yourself and your family with deadly force if neccessary.

Too bad that in some states this only seems to apply if you are white.


It seems much worse for you stateside folks, but often it seems to come down to interpretation and when there is doubt, police seem to have some wildly overblown powers of 'discretion', effectively permitting them to become judge jury & executioners. You should have reasonable right to defend yourself, your family and your property but I never liked any laws using such ambiguous subjective terms as 'reasonable' as what is reasonable is not being decided in an egalitarian, democratic way; or in any way by a consensus. The law is interpreted by the same unaccountable, untrustworthy agency (the state) that writes it down in the first place. Subjective, ambiguous, provisions in law for killing another human are not the sort of legislations I would think it advisable to test, while the transparency, accountability and equanimity of the whole system is so... so... ughhh!!, beneath contempt.


I personally hold the protection of my family and property in the highest regard. I'm from Texas, a Castle Doctrine state. I have no reservations whatsoever about doing that which is necessary in order to protect what I hold most dear. Including using deadly force.


You should not have to retreat from your home. you have the right to defend yourself and your family. I was home and a kid jumped the gate into my patio and tried to steal a small bicycle that I keep for my nephew.I just yelled at him and he ran away. There is no need to take his life over something as trivial as that. However if someone came into my house and my life was in danger then I would do whatever i have to do to protect myself and my family.

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