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I'm scared to read that in case I find out who the next parriah they are going to follow will be. After all if you elect a Trump and take this long to see the error of your ways your moral judgement is clearly shot to pieces and on life support like this country.


Too goddam late assholes!! The damage is done. Your judgment is being questioned.


It’s about time. Their brand is now that of the Republican Party - filthy

Varn Level 8 May 9, 2020

The article is correct to be cautious and point out that a lot can change between now and the election. But yes in the same way someone can be virulently homophobic until their child "comes out", it's possible for them to perceive Trump's policies as bad if they connect the dots and see a personal downside to them.

Make no mistake though, this has everything to do with self interest and zero to do with actual moral convictions. As a former evangelical, I can testify that everything I was taught in the 70s and 80s about morality has been thrown under the bus in exchange -- near as I can tell -- for some judicial appointments and to hear televangelists huckstering from inside the White House. Politics through about the 70s was supposed to be beneath our lofty concerns for the souls of men; as soon as they sought temporal power, the selling off of their supposed moral high ground commenced.


I havent seen it with people I know. I hope so. But in my view if the people that sat out the last election sit out again. Well , I am terrified for our country.

It hurts to think about how worse everything could become

I totally agree with you.....I'm terrified that Joe will drop the ball and trump will steal yet another election. It's a strange world indeed, when you find yourself hoping that China will interfere in our elections - simply to possibly offset the degree of Russian interference. aaauuuggghhhhh

@Lavergne couldn’t agree more. I think that’s why Joe is pretty quiet these days...just staying off the radar and trying not to put his foot in his mouth! The Russian hack is the biggest threat.

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