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That's me!

Spinliesel 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I"m doing some things that I've been wanting to do for a long time. Playing with my model train and learning guitar and feeling like a rock star. I also gave up most all dairy products. Eat my cereal with just water. Instead of cheese at lunch, refried beans. Can't kick the brie at happy hour just yet. I"m just a little OCD.
I will just add to your cute posting that you really never realize how ugly you are until someone tells you, "You look better with a mask on."

There are really good recipes for vegan brie, made from ground cashews. Look for videos from The Happy Pear on Youtube!
Everybody looks better with a mask on. I thought that was understood?

@Spinliesel The face-mask thing is a parody of sorts. Before, it was illegal (or almost so) entering businesses with your face covered. Now, it is a requirement (almost). I'd think bank robberies would be on the rise, but most banks are closed, so I guess it's not a problem.

@AstralSmoke Missed opportunity?


The only difference for me is that I already knew it.


The only difference for me is that school ended early so no bus driving. Other than that, I am doing what I always did. I did have some ideas for some local touristy travel during my summer off but nothing really planned.

You have my highest admiration. Schoolbus driver. I had to accompany the 3rd and 6th graders one year to their field trips. So lucky for them and for me that I did not bring weapons.

@Spinliesel Like herding cats. My voice booms and when I holler, they listen. I try not to scare them too much.


I'm loving the slower pace and the perfect right not to feel guilty about enjoying my "alone" time, instead of feeling pressure to socialize more than my comfort zone prefers.


I resemble that remark. 😛


My life has not changed all that greatly, I just no longer shop for groceries. I do still go into my office every day, and my social life is Zoom meetings. Zoom and Skype don't let you hug the grandbabies, but it is better than not seeing them at all.


Now, everyone gets to know what it's like to be you.

Word Level 8 May 11, 2020

Like you care!

@Spinliesel I am the same basically, not saying I am any different than you or other not so social people.

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