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LINK Baltimore Black Church Kicks Ben Carson Off Their Property | National | BET

This is one time where I side with the church

snytiger6 9 May 12

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Don't let the door hit you in the butt, Ben Carson, you Orange Turd kisser.


Lmao bye Ben Carson.


I would kick Ben Carson off of my property. I guess I'm siding with that church.


Finally, some good news.

Not far from your neighborhood.


Love it!

CS60 Level 7 May 12, 2020

Good. He was just there for his own purposes.


Good on them. I applaud them.


I enjoyed the article and the actions of the Church. That said, I'm not sure I've seen such consistent cheering-on of Theists on this website. Sorta good to see in its odd way. We have some priorities fairly straight. On this issue, the theists were on the ball I think.

kmaz Level 7 May 12, 2020

You can bad mouth a city, work for a guy that bad mouths the same city and expect to be welcomed by the very people you denigrated, Duh. He's lucky all they did was tell him to leave and GTFO.



bobwjr Level 10 May 12, 2020

twit! he never thought it was rude to just park all his garbage on their lawn. Next time someone needs a nice house backdrop to do a press confrence in front of we'll head over to Carson's he won't mind...🙄


Keyword is Church. But also noted black church... Is there white church? Red church? Yellow church? Brown church? orange church? Pale ass church?


I despise this man and his hypocrisy, so this made my day. Thank you. ☺️


Never assume because someone is a successful physician that they are intelligent. I have known many doctors and that just isn't the case.

@twshield Yes there is.

Book learning and the ability to think critically are two different things.


Did he go to sleep during the service? 🙂


Baltimore has lots of problems and Hud is it fixing any of them.

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