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Weโ€™re good without god

Knightmare 4 May 18

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I am not just good without God. I am better without God!


We are as good as we are capable or as we choose.


I've felt no real difference with no god in my life as I did when I had god in my life. The only difference I can see is I'm a little less deluded now than I was then.


Weโ€™re at the cutting edge of Evolution ~

Varn Level 8 May 19, 2020


@Spongebob Yes - and proud of it!

@Varn Nazis thought they were the spearhead of evolution as well. Evolution does not have a cutting edge, whatever that means.

@Spongebob (take the hood off) -- Nothing to do with Race. Those, who by culture or intellect, have broken the shackles of fear-based religion, Atheists are at Humanities cutting edge of evolution. We, as Madalyn Murray Oโ€™Hair once proclaimed, โ€˜are the intellectual elite.โ€™ If upbringing, courage, or intellect got us here - I call that progress!

@Varn I guess we disagree on the meaning of evolution. I am referring to the biological meaning of the word.
I would think that the intelectual elite would have some humility too ๐Ÿ˜…

@Spongebob Iโ€™m likely combing culture, as well. Thereโ€™s no doubt a reason we Sapiens one the race of many contenders.. And humility is overrated ๐Ÿ˜‰


Do dogs have God's? No! Exactly.

Sure they do, US. We provide for them. When does "god" ever really provide anything for humans?


These days Casper is so old that there has to be holes in his sheet. That makes him the Holy Ghost.


Not only We're only 'good' without a god. The world and especially current problematic and coflict areas would be in my opinion much much further in human devolopment, wealth and social life! Imagin!


I may not be good without a god, but I am definitely nicer, stronger and better

twill Level 7 May 19, 2020

We are "better people" without God for all those reasons and more. One day I hope humankind is free from this silly debate we are forced to have with those who insist that they need to have this ancient security blanket.


Maybe I'm bad either way? ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, some people certainly are. But the quoteโ€™s cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž there is potentially less indoctrinated power play.

@girlwithsmiles As opposed to non-indoctrinated power plays?


Ok I agree with about 90% but I am keeping my bendable knees. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Yes, I know what they meant. The 'supplication' statement covers that in my opinion. )

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