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What would you do if the end was near?

Philosophical question perhaps. If an asteroid was coming to earth, and we knew it would end all life, and you knew the end was in a month. How would you spend that last 30 days? For me, I would probably work on my bucket list. But with so many possibilities I really don’t know. Maybe spend each night with the love of my life, if she’d have me.

ChrisJones 6 Apr 4

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Find whoever's doing something about it and help in any way I can. It may be pointless, but I can't just hide.


Take a shitload of drugs


Eat all the reeses

Ha ha ha..... You crack me uuuuup

No, I want some of the Reese’s. You’ll have to share.

I call the good and plenty!

@ChrisJones I'm allergic to peanut butter so you can have whatever is left after I die

Russell Stover for me !

@LadyAlyxandrea Well that's just not fair. You can't enjoy a really tasty snack.


Go to all the zoos I could and free ALL the animals I could.


Have sex with anyone attractive to me who is willing ...

  • stockpile food, water, and fuel (as I'm guessing infrastructure is going to grind to a halt pretty quickly and leave the stores empty, electricity spotty, etc.)
  • look for people who need help (shelter if the weather is poor, food if they're hungry, etc.)
  • stop going to work (duh!)
  • eat whatever I want — mostly pizza
  • watch Netflix as much as I can while internet is still a thing
  • begin my descent into sexual depravity
  • find Waldo, finally
  • start a fight club — but pillow fights (first rule of pillow fight club: tell everyone about pillow fight club)
  • track down Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi, and Billy Bob Thornton, and see whether they can do anything to help while Steven Tyler sings "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"

@OnaM You can divide your time, days vs. nights — no need to sacrifice. 😉

Love pillow fight club!


Well I would stop worrying about my healthy lifestyle. Seriously, nothing different. Just be a good person.


Shenanigans !!!!!

Why wait?

Who says I am ?? ??


Visit quite a few people to tell them exactly why it is I love them as much as I do. Visit a much larger number of people to tell them exactly why it is I hate them as much as I do. Then, finally get round to watching the last 30 minutes of *The Green Mile."

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

We will be dead so I would just shit my pants.

I thought of this.

I think its very realistic myself.


Depends on the end honestly..end of a movie? TV show? Dinner? A date? A FWB encounter?..


A lot of debauchery.


Sounds good. Probably smoke my medical marijuana and have a farewell party.

I would probably smoke my non-medical marijuana and have a farewell party.


Spend the time with my children and grandchildren. No-one else is as important to me.


Buy a carton of Camel unfiltered (I haven't smoked in many years), a selection of choice liqors and the finest woman money will buy me (if I'm still unpartnered by then) and enjoy those three things nude on a beach in the sun.


Telling everything good by and thanks for the love. Trees, moss, rocks, everything.


In guess I would die , And feel grateful for an interesting life lived well past my use by date,


Rob banks and take candy from children...all the stuff I would never do without that asteroid bearing down.


If there is time, I would make the rounds and say good bye to all my family members, then drive to a good spot I know on the coast of Maine, reintroduce myself to my old friend opium and slowly drift away.


I'd be all about finishing up the series Supernatural. I might at least know how that ends.


Quit my job and go on holidays...

ABack Level 6 Apr 5, 2018

Well first, I think the end actually is near, for our species and many others. That being said, I have thought about this, but not on an individual level. Collectively, if it really is too late to save ourselves and we can't find anywhere to flee, I think it is correct for us to make some form of monument to our species to show that we were more than just planet destroyers.
On an individual level, I would likely spend quality time with the people I love.


After the initial shock of realization, I am afraid the world would become a very lawless place, you are going to die anyway, so many would just go madly about, pilage, rape, steal, murder, etc.

I'd work on my bucket list, but I think there would be to much chaos to do much of anything.


I would probably try to figure out a way to survive. I may not, but, if I did, I would sure want a way to keep alive. I would stay where I am. Living on a farm, in a rural area, with food, water, critters, my daughter and son in law, and a small number of friends nearby to work with and barter services, could make it work. We are all survivors with lots of skills, and sort of peppers light. Of course, we may all be wiped out in an instant, so if that is the case, we would all be together and go down fighting to live.


I’d fly to LA if airlines were operating still. Otherwise I’d steal a Firebird, Ram, Challenger, or whatever works in the situation and get to LA.


Enjoy my time with my animals and eat lots and lots of SO delicious coconut ice cream ?

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