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Lying Christian hate preacher claims 99% of school shootings are done by atheists. WTF!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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What the hell is with my state lately? First Matt shea then this idiotmatt.
Is it time to leave the country yet?



bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2020

Are they actually atheists if they worship guns?


Anyone CAN say anything, proving it is another matter, just proves Christians don't follow there own rules because 99% of all god botherers are actually transmogrified sand slugs (see what I mean)


Nope. And the folks strapping bombs onto their bodies, flying airplanes into buildings and shit like that are always doing it for a God. A lot of high level engineers, chemists and etc tend towards atheism. If we starting doing crap that crazy? We would be much, much better at it. 🙂

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