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LINK Mitch McConnell: Barack Obama's election paid for 'sin of slavery'

I now hate Mitch McConnell with a white hot rage. I loathed him before, now it is nuclear.

HippieChick58 9 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It's not over yet asshole! They are going after you next!


The death of McConnell will pay for the end of the turtleneck sweater. In some ways Mitch the Bitch is worse than Rump. Rump really can't help the way he is. He was born a not very bright man. McConnell is evil by choice.


McConnell's denial of President Obama's Supreme Court appointment of Merrick Garland proved that racism still runs the Republicon party.


I had read LeBron is funding an organization to get people registered to vote. It is going to take a huge effort to get mcconnell out of office.

I'll settle for a baseball bat.


My hatred for him has always been nuclear. I have seen up close what a bigoted asshole he is for over thirty years.

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