4 11

Good point

bobwjr 10 June 14

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The best! 😄


Good point


Agree ::-:: the dates these statues went UP were the 1920's
& later to GLORIFY a dark and INHUMAN history. The misery
to our fellow country members should be seen for what it is-
a weak attempt to make HISTORY support cultural destruction.
Good post ,thanks 💠

BBJong Level 7 June 15, 2020

Benjamin Franklin was a slave trader.

. . . two sides to the 'story'



Well, them, maybe we should do away with electricity! What are you trying to say, that he was a product f his times, as are you & I? Let's fix things in the present, and moving forward!

@AnneWimsey That sounds like a good plan to me.

Being hung up on historical events will get us nowhere. Each individual has to deal with his own inner fears and learn to change with the times.

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