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Shoes On or Off

I have learned over the years that removing shoes at the door allows for a much nicer, cleaner and eaiser to maintain home and is generally healthier than tracking in whatever from outside. What do you prefer?

  • 15 votes
  • 68 votes
Mark013 7 Apr 5

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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my mum never used to wear shoes even if she was walking outside and even if it were snowing I sort of picked it up from her and like barefoot .


i picked off, but if someone comes over they don't have 2. i just like 2 go barefoot. at least around my apartments, i wear shoes in town, but when im at home or even when im camping i love going barefoot

Byrd Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

In theory, yes shoes off at the door. In practice I will be meaner than hell if my feet are cold. And then getting the shoes from the door to the bedroom closet where the belong, oh wait, move the shoes to beside the door.... No space. Still thinking about it.

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