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"Hot damn." "Hooray!!!!" Yee- haw!!!" Donald Trump is going to jail!!! The only question is when. If you missed the Rachel Maddow show, you missed fantastic news. Mary
Trump's new book shows that she has enough documents to put the idiot/trump and all of his siblings in jail for years.! He ain't getting out of this one. This is the best news for our democracy, our people, and our democracy that one could hope for at this time.

wordywalt 9 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Watched it! Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 for some really juicy stuff.


Too bad she didn't write faster!


That would be the best news we've had in 4 years! If I was a prayer, I'd be down on my knees tonight!


Excellent now vote so we can do it

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2020

How many times have we thought that since 2016?

This time it is not Trump holding the documents.


Wow!! I will have to find a transcript of that show. That is exciting!

and for a kicker, New York Times reporters have copies of the documents.

@wordywalt That’s one reason Trump’s always “knocking” the NYT.

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