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LINK Let's talk about Trump being right, kind of.... - YouTube

Seriously get past the title and you’ll hear the best description of what white privilege that exists.

48thRonin 8 July 14

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Just like this guy Beau says Trump is right about something, nope he's 100% wrong. I usually agree with Beau, not this time. Maybe in the past people who hung rebel flag weren't racist, but today in this climate EVERYBODY who hangs a Confederate flag is a fucking racist piece of shit. We are paying for appeasement, the biggest mistake Lincoln made. It cost him his life. Gen Grant wanted to apprehended Gen Lee at Appomattox. He wanted to arrest Jefferson Davis and have both of them hanged at the gallows. If they had done that we wouldn't be having this discussion and we wouldn't have Donald Trump as president.

barjoe Level 9 July 14, 2020

He didn't say they weren't racist, in fact he said they were racist for exercising if not celebrating their white privilege. That was the whole point of the rant.

Had an uncle that was all about the idea of the postcard south that had been painted by the sons and daughters of the confederacy and was latter taught in southern schools until damn near the late 80’s.

His son married a woman of color and my uncle was very good with it. Him and his wife loved her but it she didn’t like being in their home because of all of the confederate decor.

And for more than a decade they all stood their ground.
It wasn’t until my cousin had a baby and he asked his parents just what would his child be in the south that his parents loved so much?

I swear to you I never in my life thought that my uncle would be the one to concede it that struggle but he admitted that he never once looked at it from the perspective of a black person because he didn’t think about the negative that actually existed but instead the fairytale that was read to us all.

So yes I get your point but you have to understand that I’m 49 and that fairytale was read to me when I was in school and was accepted by the majority of my family and neighbors.
Most of which didn’t have any hatred towards black people but without being taught the ugly truth they also couldn’t understand why they felt the way they did about the south.

Just saying that there are those that are about nothing but hate and racism and there are those who are still caught up in the fairytale.

Oh and one last thing and this goes for anyone who wants to believe that racism and slavery was only a southern thing.
You need to look at the history of Manhattan island as well as the fact that the Bronx zoo kept a pygmy man from Africa on display from 1904 to 1906.
Just saying that racism was and is an American problem.

@48thRonin If it hadn't been for appeasement there wouldn't have been Dykes of Confederacy, No Monuments, no Battle Flag, No Jim Crow and there probably wouldn't have been a Pygmy at the Bronx Zoo. The South would've gotten over it by now, which they haven't yet. Ulysses S Grant is the most misunderstood and underrated president. What a disgrace. Grant is remembered as a drunk, and Robert E Lee, a traitor and a loser is remembered as a"gentleman of the South" He was no better than Hermann Goering.

@barjoe []

This is who wrote the terms of Lee’s surrender, he also accomplished rebuilding the southern and did very little to crush terrorist groups like the klan and the Kansas red legs who murdered thousands freed slaves throughout the south and Midwest.

He also pushed for Southern politicians as well as confederate leaders to be returned to their positions.
He just like everyone else involved in that war were mere humans.

I do understand your passion in regards to subject right because it is driven by a popular mentality right now.But let’s not forget that back in the 1860’s some got it right some got it wrong and the rest paid for their decisions that should’ve never had happened to begin with.

So let’s not forget that the civil war was about our country finding resolution to a 300 year old problem be it through war and bloodshed.

Oh and Lee committed greater atrocities against Mexican and American Indians in Texas at the direction of the US government but there’s no movement against that right now so no one is talking about that.

@LovinLarge He got around to talking about white privilege but he attempts to reason with these inbred toothless white people. It pointless. He's preaching to the choir or landing on deaf ears.

@48thRonin Much of the corruption that was landed on Grant was part of revisionist history. Up until Appomattox Grant never accepted any terms other than unconditional surrender. Yes the Calvary under Grant was brutal to Native Americans.

@48thRonin Racism is most certainly an American problem. But the enslavement of Africans which was religiously and politically grounded in white superiority was, by the mid 1800's, unique to the South.

That said, we appear to be caught up in a moment of history where we can attack the problem more broadly, and drill down from multiple cases. We can recognize, condemn and address (via funding, oversight, training, dismissals, etc.) the racial prejudice in law enforcement, and attack the history of systemic racism and bigotry in the North's redlining as well as other discriminatory practices, while at the same time insisting upon the removal of monuments, statuary, names, battle flags and other symbols of the Confederacy--most of which have served to intimidate former slaves and their decendants.


I thought I was going to hate this but I was pleasantly surprised to see how much thought he gave this and how well he explained it, thank you.


Beau always has interesting things to say and in my view pretty spot on. Although he is usually not this nice to Trump.......

He used his statement to Segway another point which is something that took me a few times of watching his videos to catch what he was doing.

He’d make a hellacious salesmen with how he draws you in and then turns your mind towards what he’s selling.

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