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Jewish day camp in Texas closes following Covid 19 outbreak. This is a preview of sending kids back to school?????? Agree/Disagree???

sassygirl3869 9 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Of course it is I am very sad to say.


Of course there will be instances of this. There has to be a plan in place for testing and quarantining. To open up without a plan in place is ridiculous. Teachers who test positive have to be paid sick leave, test and quarantine all students and teachers who had contact. This could be a big mess.

barjoe Level 9 July 15, 2020

I agree.


Looks that way to me. Glad mine is on her own. Of course "public work" is still a problem as well and will be as long as inconsiderate know-it-alls continue to spread the virus by refusing to distance and wear masks on close situations.


Of course it is, except public school opening will be that x100. Exponential numbers are a bitch that way. But the anti-mask type will say "yeah, but thems Jews! Different for us 'Merikans!"


It is criminal negligence to my way of thinking.

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