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What is you favorite Beatles song?

What is your favorite Beatles song (or two, or three...)? I'll start...My favorite has always been Across the Universe , but I also like Come Together and Eleanor Rigby... The Beatles have such a wide range of sounds, most people like at least something...

twitch 7 Apr 6

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59 comments (26 - 50)

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I love the Beatles ?
My favourite song is Strawberry Fields, the lyrics resonate with me.


a day in a life


It's "Fool on the Hill" ?


You never give me your money
Cry baby cry
Hey bulldog
Too much
Wild honey pie

I like 'Hey Bulldog' a lot...good choices!


Back in the USSR

Not a bad song...I always imagined that if John Lennon was in the Beach Boys, he would have written it anyway


I'd have to say "Yesterday"....but then I'd want to say the whole second side of Abbey Road.

I agree completely...


Today (it changes often) its "Dear Prudence"


Norwegian Wood.


Norwegian Wood. Don't know why.

Awww, c'mon, you know why - it's so damned sad and beautiful.


So many! Old Brown Shoe is one, lyrics are fun

jeffy Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Strawberry Fields


I share Across the Universe with you. I would have it played at my funeral, but I'm not going to have one, so too bad. I'm a huge Beatles fan. They played in my city in 1964. I was 9. Too damn young. Story of my life. Either I'm too young or too old for it. Oh well.


If I fell. I'm kinda sappy that way.


Blackbird, A Day In The Life, Norwegian Wood, I love the Sgt Pepper album, I loved everything from the Beatles.


Norwegian Wood, Helter Skelter, Revolution, pretty much all their White Album.


Impossible to pick a favourite. Love every album. Abbey Road B side kills. I feel lucky to have grown up during the time of the Beatles They changed everything for me

MsDee Level 5 Apr 6, 2018

Can't buy me Love or Eleanor Rigby. Can't Buy Me Love because it's just so good to sing along to and Eleanor Rigby because it's just so different.

I find myself singing along to almost all of their songs, too...


Geez, that's a toughy. I guess it would be on Revolver or Rubber Soul though, as those are my favorite Beatles albums.
Probably "For No One"? Though it's a little bleak. I love the writing, the arrangement, all of it.
Maybe "Nowhere Man"?

Agreed...along with 'She's Leaving Home' and 'Eleanor Rigby', they did have some really good somber songs!


I don't know if it's my absolute favourite but it's the one I always wanted to hear on the radio if they were going to play a Beatles song but it doesn't often get an airing. So I guess it probably is then lol


Lucy in the sky with diamonds


Let it be




I've always been more of a Stones person, but I did like some Beatles tunes. "Helter Skelter" and "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" come to mind.

I almost posed this question as a 'Favorite Rolling Stones Song'...Mine would have been Under My Thumb...

@twitch It would have been "Gimme Shelter" for me.

Another good one...'When the Whip Comes Down' (from Steel Wheels) is also getting a lot of play (especially in my head) these days

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