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What is you favorite Beatles song?

What is your favorite Beatles song (or two, or three...)? I'll start...My favorite has always been Across the Universe , but I also like Come Together and Eleanor Rigby... The Beatles have such a wide range of sounds, most people like at least something...

twitch 7 Apr 6

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59 comments (51 - 59)

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Can't pick just one, or even two or three.



Yeah...I'll take that, even though Lennon released it as a solo artist. It has a very Beatles 'feel' to it...


Okay, I can buy that...There are quite a few bands that completely strike out for me, too...


Sorry. None of them.

Yeah, I get it...there are a few bands that I can't get behind also...

Valid answer. No judgement.

@FuniGrl2242 Thanks!


So hard! I suppose right now it’s While My Guitar Gently Weeps.


The entire. The Weight opus


Hey Jude.


A Day in the Life ... but then I tend to gravitate toward long songs (5 minutes or more) and prog.


Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Hey Jude, Sgt Peppers. And Many More.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

You MUST have heard William Shatner's version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"...guaranteed to void even the strongest bladder, as Dave Barry once said....

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