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LINK Dr. Stella Immanuel: We Don't Need to Die. There Are Treatments for COVID. - YouTube

Trump's new COVID doctor, would you make an appointment with her?

HippieChick58 9 July 28

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Trump seems to find weird doctors.

He manages to find the slimiest, and wickedest, and weirdest swamp creatures of all times. That is what happens when you "drain the swamp."


If the POS-in-chief reccomends someone that is a person one should avoid like the (Coronavirus) plague.


Geebus where does drumpy find these people?


I think she is a member of The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS. It is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country.
Headquarters are in AZ and there are about 5,000 members and was founded in 1944.
That's also around the time the word homosexual first appeared in American bibles.
Just sayin', it's a bit of trivia.
No I would not go to her. The making medicine from alien DNA is just a bit too weird.


I gots Allians DNA in me..😳😳


That's trump speaking.. !


A self-aggrandizing quack who is not to be trusted.


Fuck no.

Not even with someone else's prick!!


This is the quack that Trump retweeted yesterday. It got blocked but that was it. Donald Jr got his account suspended for the same retweet. They were afraid to do it to Trump himself.

barjoe Level 9 July 28, 2020

No balls. They should block both Trumps indefinitely!

@Petter DJT is a scary guy

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