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It’s just a mask.
It’s just six feet.
It’s just two weeks.
It’s just non-essential businesses.
It’s just non-essential workers.
It’s just a bar.
It’s just a restaurant.
It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.
It’s just until the cases go down.
It’s just to flatten the curve.
It’s just a few sex offenders being let out.
It’s just to keep others from being scared.
It’s just for a few more weeks.
It's just the National Anthem of America.
It's just a police car being burned.
It's just 1 police precinct being taken over.
It’s just church. You could still pray.
It’s just prayer.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It's just to allow people to have their voices finally heard.
It's just a BLM peaceful protest.
It's just a few city blocks being taken over.
It’s just a bracelet.
It’s just an app.
It’s just for tracing.
It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around.
It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.
It’s just a few more months.
It’s just some more felons being released.
It's just releasing criminals to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
It's just a temporary suspension of bail.
It’s just a video.
It’s just a post.
It’s just an email account.
It’s just for protecting others from hate speech.
It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings.
It’s just a large gathering except for protests.
It's just a parade, can't you wait until next year.
It's just a celebration that you enjoy each and every 4th of July.
It’s just a few violent protests.
It's just a few burned out small businesses.
It’s just a little micro chip.
It’s just a blood test.
It’s just a test.
It’s just a scan.
It’s just for medical information.
It’s just to store a vaccination certificate.
It’s just like a credit card.
It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.
It’s just so you can travel.
It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.
It’s just so you can vote.
It’s just mail-in voting.
It’s just a few more years.
It’s just a statue.
It’s just a monument.
It’s just a building.
It's just the history of the USA.
It’s just a song.
It’s just a lyric.
It’s just an anthem.
It’s just a few words.
It’s just a piece of paper.
It’s just a book.
It’s just a movie.
It’s just a TV show.
It’s just a cartoon character.
It’s just a piece of cloth.
It’s just a flag.
It’s just a dog at a protest.
It’s just a clump of cells.
It’s just a fetus.
It’s just a religion.
It’s just a holiday.
It's just your guns.
It's just the police.
It's just the military
It's just your freedoms....gone forever.
And "It's just" the way they planned it.
2% of the impassioned can rule over the 98% apathetic.
It's not like we didn't see it coming.
It's just not to late... or is it?

-Martin Green-

Captain_Feelgood 8 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Ummmm, racism & conspiracy theories, what a "great" mix.....


It's just a load of fear mongering


Who is this ‘They’??


Who is Martin Green?

Fuck if I know.. Someone sent it to me on FB.. 😁

@Captain_Feelgood As if I need another reason to ignore fb.

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