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When a star exceeds its volume, gravity causes it to implode. Energy serves the same pattern throughout the universe. Another example is if you put the wrong plug into the wrong socket and if you survive, you will definitely remember the pattern.
Dr Donald Hoffman discovered that all life cannot see accurately; it is this that gives us purpose. All life being in the same boat, makes it hard to believe - why hasn't all life reached the same level of intelligence? If all life had reached the same level of intellect, it would have limited its purpose and life as we know it could not have existed. So my question is - what keeps the balance in nature? My answer is the diversity of life is driven as a one energy system and not the individual pockets that we see - we are not seeing accurately. Nature is the greatest magician of all time. A plant cannot produce a flower without the help of roots and leaves and life cannot attain the intelligence needed to survive without the diversity of life. It is a self- serving energy giving the illusion of diversity, but in fact is a complete one energy system.
The total sum of energy in a system, including its kinetic energy, is proportional to its function. Anyone got any different ideas?

dinoid 5 Aug 11

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A Star, our solar body for example, is a mass of Hydrogen, mostly contained within it its massive core btw, undergoing a massive Thermo-nuclear Fusion reaction.
I.e. IT turns Hydrogen into Helium, etc, thus causing a reaction that emits light, heats and radiation.
Usually, when any Solar body reaches the point where its source of Hydrogen is converted to Helium it then begins to convert the Helium into other elements and GRAVITY causes it first to collapse inwards upon itself until the massive pressures created literally force the solar body to expand outwards exponentially so it begins to shed its outer shells.
Some Super-massive Solar bodies do the same thing but the reactions occurring within their still super massive cores are still so powerful and strong that they cause these bodies not to expand so much as to actually explode, thus becoming Super-Novas.
In approx. 4.5 -5 billions years from now, our Sun will have reached the end of its Hydrogen supplies and begin to convert the Helium, thus it WILL begin to expand outwards, engulfing Mercury, Venus and possible Earth as well, if it does NOT engulf the Earth then the Earth will end being little more than a burned out rocky cinder and the new version of Mercury.
Oh, and Gravity does NOT repel it attracts fyi.

Thanks for describing a one energy system, but how does that dispute the one energy system called evolution? When we look at the diverse pockets of energy that makes life on Earth are we seeing accurately, or are we seeing just one pocket of energy? You have already answered it by not answering it. Think about it.

@dinoid By saying 'Seeing' are you,
A) referring to the Visual act of seeing, or,
B) the act of interpretion of what is around us via scientifically based analyses?
If it be a), then our eyes are receptors for particles of light that are either reflected from an object or absorbed by an object thus giving us the perception of either colour, e.g. the colour Black is preceived merely because ALL of the visible light spectrum is ABSORDED and NONE is reflected and does NOT cause a reaction within the Rods and Cones of the Retina in the eye.
Btw, there are NO separate 'Energy Systems,' per say, just Energy in stages and phases, i.e. as previously stated, Kinetic = Energy in motion causing movement or motion, Potential = Energy that is already there and awaiting a stimulus/stimuli to become Kinetic and Inertial = Energy that has been Potential, has been acted upon by an EXTERNAL/Internal stinulus but is remaining in a state of rest, e.g. the electric energy within the power circuit of your house BEFORE you switch on a light or electrical appliance.


It’s nonsense, but answering the dinoid will help us improve our critical thinking skills.

HI, can you please explain what call nonsense? I can then get back to you.


Nice try and I applaud the attempt but your comment is about as convoluted as a corrugated steel water tank.

Thanks for your reply, not much logic to it, is there? Are you another theist hiding in this group?
Only those of a religious faith would deny scientific fact. ( The Hamiltonian) If you have forgot how to use your logic, I suggest you go back to church, you are needed there more than you are here.

I have also replied to you other letter. Please check.

@dinoid Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
Is that the very best you can manage?
Btw, and for your enlightenment I actually have 2 PhDs, 1 ThD and at last count, 7 Post-Graduate Bachelor Degrees with quite a number encompassing the Sciences of Chemistry, Physics, Cosmology, Astronomy, Anatomy and Physiology plus a number of ancient Languages as well.


You're jumping all over the place with this. Try to focus on one concept and make your point accordingly. For instance, what does the question <<< why hasn't all life reached the same level of intelligence? >>> have to do with you opening statement?

Just to answer your question: because it doesn't have to. An amoeba doesn't have to plan ahead or hunt in a pack. It has totally different needs than an advanced life form.

The one concept that I am trying to get across is why hasn't all life reached the same level of intellect? I put forward a one energy system to explain this. The opening statement is showing the pattern of energy. The energy of a system, plus the sum of kinetic energy is proportional to its function. Not my work, but scientific fact. The protozoan has no conceivable evolutionary history and the same applies to any type of amoeba. The energy system allows for their place in evolutionary history if it is part of an energy system. Energy fluctuates to keep its function, the amoeba fits with the energy pattern, as does the diversity of life, another example of this energy pattern. Again I repeat, the energy pattern is not mine, it originates from Alexander Hamilton. I prefer to ignore the biological aspects for now, I am just concerned about the level of intelligence and why all life, being in the same boat, has not reached the same level of intelligence? Thanks for your reply.

@dinoid One very simple and probable answer to you 'question' is EVOLUTION.

@Triphid You are right! It is evolution. This is the only sensible answer I have received. Thanks.

@dinoid I think you have some misconceptions about evolution. Protozoans are the ancestors of all animal live. I can't understand why you believe they should have any intellectual ability at all.

<<<The one concept that I am trying to get across is why hasn't all life reached the same level of intellect?>>>

The answer in a nutshell is primitive life didn't need to.

@Aristippus You are correct, but if all life is in the same boat, why hasn't all reached the same level of intellect? You admit the primitive beginnings of life, now you have to find the beginning of intellect? I totally agree with you about primitive life didn't need to advance, it is more beneficial to remain in its present state, because that serves an intelligent species better. Don't you see a natural pattern evolving? A one energy system.

@dinoid You are assuming all life is in the same boat,, or environs.

It is not, and the species that evolve what their survival requires need not evolve what other environs require.

Try thinking.

@yvilletom Life is in the same boat. Stop thinking and start reading. Check cognitive scientist Dr Donald Hoffman. Be sure of your facts before you make a comment. You are arguing from ignorance. You know very little about the subject and I suggest you either learn or keep quiet, or you are going to dig a great big hole to hide in. This discussion is not about environments or any other selective instincts for survival.


Dude, you're trying way too hard to troll people. Less is more.

Less only applies to religion, not science.

@dinoid buddy...what your shoveling there ain't science.

Hello Dude, I appreciate your remarks and the way you intended it, but could you answer on behalf of this group, why they deny scientific proof (The Hamiltonian)? It is usually religious people when engaged, do this. How can you become an atheist or agnostic if you deny what is scientific fact? I am not including yourself, but I am pretty sure that most of this group are religious.
Thanks again for your remark which I think was well intended.
I have to disagree, Are you saying The Hamiltonian isn't science?

@MakeItGood Shovelling The Hamiltonian is science. I am disappointed.

@dinoid lol the first line of your initial post contains an error so big that it can only come from total ignorance of basic physics and it makes me doubt you even know what a hamiltonian really is.
Can you tell me what that error is? Can you explain why what you wrote is wrong?

@MakeItGood Be more specific and I will be able to answer. Since you assume I don't know what the Hamiltonian is, will you please explain it?

@dinoid no, and no. If you can't figure it out on your own, then that also makes my point.

@MakeItGood Good answer, proves you are arguing from ignorance. You have stopped thinking and should be back in church.


Yes. But only way I can opine is through this equation:

WTF is this? Some transfer of force in viscous media?

@Pedrohbds sorry dude, over your pay grade.

You've stopped thinking dude.

@dinoid au contraire mon ami.


My advise, don't over think it.
Just know that there's more knowledge and facts out there than you'll ever know about then go read about it.
Sitting around thinking, this is like this, and ,that is like that, therefore my lame idea is valid, is not valid.

I swear it's like talking to people that believe the wind blows because all the trees keep swaying back and forth, instead of the trees are swaying because the wind is blowing.

It's not my thinking based on a whim, all is based on fact. be more specific and I will be able to answer?


What Pedrohbds below said. Plus it is wrong to assume that life or the universe has a purpose, let alone that that purpose is to evolve intelligence. An intelligence is only one small tool in the many survival tool kits, that evolution has come up with. The most intelligence of animals can easily be predated by the malaria parasite, which is just about the least intelligent Eukaryot there is.

Thanks for your reply Fernapple. I was not referring to life or the universe having a purpose, I was stipulating the pattern of energy has it limitations. Energy + limitations controls the balance of intelligent life. If this proportional function was allowed to run wild there would be no constructive purpose to life. You are correct saying intelligent life can be predated by parasite, virus or any micro life, ,archaic or otherwise. The common denominator that brings forth a binary connection is the subconscious, which could easily be traced back to the beginning, if we call it a dormancy. The traits from the dormant life-forms you mention are still very evident. The first dormant life-form must have been connected to the elements that brought it to existence, because otherwise it could not have survived. An example of this basic selective dormant instinct is in hibernation and migration etc. Selective instincts are imperative for life to survive and the two mentioned are mitigated examples. Mass is energy; mass + energy = 0 which means we are all connected. This could maybe go on to explain most of the unexplainable. (Supernatural for example) Thanks for your reply.


Why do you think there is balance in nature?
It is exactly the opposite, if there were balance, there would not be any change.
Evolution happens exactly because every organism is intrinsically out of balance and needs to collect mass and energy to keep replicating itself, and generating mistakes (or happy accidents) that will promote evolution.

All sentences you told are intrinsically wrong, they are nice and comfortable, but they are just wishful thinking.

even your concept of energy seems to have a purpose where in nature energy is just an invariant of the system (a mathematical construction that makes calculus easier, and can even be ignored if you are willing to multiply the size of your equations).

Life and diversity has no purpose, it simply keeps replicating and the organisms that can replicate faster or/and more efficiently will unbalance the system and "steal" resources of the less efficient.

Intelligence is just another trick to compete, and even this intelligence took dozens of thousands of years to slowly build up the conditions to really be the dominant force in this planet.

Life is not in equilibrium, species even if you take humans out are always competing, killing or starving one another, dominating the best sources of water/light/food/heat sources. Evolution can at any point develop in one species a tool that generate a so big advantage that that species is able to clean a huge part of the area from competitors.

The first sentence for example about the star makes no sense, what do you even mean by exceed its volume?
Star implosions are generally caused by depletion of the lighter element in the nucleus that makes the reactions not be able to sustain the matter in that state of density, so matter became more dense (and release heat in this process) until a new reaction finds the environment to happen or the star dies. And this has nothing to be with life, life as we imagine can't even get close to this conditions.

Thanks .

I am pleased you wrote this reply, I was not even sure where I wanted to start, you have a lot more patience than me. Respect.

I was not referring to the balance in nature literally, I was pointing out the way that intelligence was predominate to the level it has reached in our species. The balance I was referring to is the pattern of energy within a system. The universe is the ultimate energy system, but many individual systems operate independently. Evolution being one of them. I understand when you mention species keep replicating, but what you have got to answer is, why if all life is in the same boat (Not seeing accurately) why hasn't all life reached the same level of intellect? You are missing the point when you bring up the diversity and its none purpose, this is not what I am concerned about, I am only concerned with the balance of intellect and not the biological mutations. If you can address this only it would be very helpful. Thanks for your reply.

@dinoid evolution works with difference, the errors in the replication generate by accident in different organisms that will be less or more efficient is some circumstances.
There were many species in the gender Homo, all of them were intelligent. Even some tribes of chimps and bonobos are already in a stage of development that can be called stone age.
Problem is that even in the same species when different tribes are disputing the same resources, one in general eliminate the other, gosh we do it even today (a genocide here, some imperialism there...). Homo sapiens is not the only animal to evolve intelligent, we were the most competent in this planet and we extinguished or absorbed the others (looking at you european and descendants absorbing the Niandertals).

Energy pattern, you keep repeating this, but you don't realize that this has no scientific meaning, this term only has a meaning in esoteric/new age energy thingie, and as a non-religious forum, i refuse to discuss about this Bullsh** here.

One characteristic in life will never be general, because any characteristic is a mutation of a previous state, and only the descendants of that mutant being will have that characteristic, so by definition, any new characteristic will not be uniform across all life, intelligence is not the only one, bilateral symmetry, anus separated from the mouth, ganglion and the further developments until a proper brain, spinal cord, warm blood, bipedalism etc... All this mutations happened with one organism, and generated some advantage that allowed this organism to have a lot of descendants. Intelligence is not different, unless the intelligent organism can eliminate all other organisms (including microorganisms) and still be self sufficient, intelligence will never be present in all life form. You don't need universal balance for that, is just how evolution works...

@Pedrohbds Fantastic answers. You are saving us all a lot of time. Everyone (OP) should read The Selfish Gene before they start to talk about evolution. I had no idea how poorly informed I was about it during high school and college.


"When a star exceeds its volume" - it is bigger than itself.

triphid - I am not writing about radio waves, I am writing about a one energy system. I agree with most of what you say, but that is not the subject. I suggest you check Dr Donald Hoffman about the jewel beetle, it was him who did the research. Are you saying that science made the story up? You should know, that is the way religious people would react.

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