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What skill or talent do you wish you had?

I've always wished that I was a great singer. A person with a great voice has always been super attractive to me.

BrightTyger979 6 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Timing for music. I got feel, that don't do for reading sheet.


I wish I was artistic. That I had an aptitude for painting and pottery. Though, if I had the nerve to try a pottery class, maybe I would discover that I was good at it.

You are always going to be good at what you pay attention to and work at 🙂

So go do it.

I've taught art to people who thought they couldn't even draw. Anyone can learn to draw. Get the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and follow the exercises if that's something you'd really like to do.


The ability to fly


Mind control.

Lol...Interesting. What would you use it for?

@GoodMan Letterman had stupid pet tricks, could always try it on humans. Some do not even need mind control they do stupid tricks all by themselves. lol


To grow hair.

A friend of mine hasn't been able to grow hair on his head for his entire life.

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