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What america needs now is a God hating, constitution hating, capitalism hating leader, it is clear that the 3 branches form of government is and always has been a complete failure and needs to be abolished, also the constitution has to be annulled, if progress is to be made the solution has to be to do away with capitalism and the 3 branches form of government and the christian cult behind it . . .

thundergod 5 Aug 17

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I assume you mean "pretends to be god loving but is actually a theological sham" like the other issues. I'd add in justice hating.

I don't think we need to annul it, I think it needs a few amendments - that will probably never happen - and we should try again.

  1. I think the corruption of government is largely due to subversion by money to the point where it is life, liberty, and the pursuit of wealth as the prime directive
  2. Because of 1. elections and control are centered around preserving wealth and preserving power to preserve wealth - representatives allegedly spend 70% of their time fund raising, that's ridiculous
  3. We have a two party duopoly that fights hard to suppress third party dissent and remain in control - you either get absorbed into that system or fade into obscurity
  4. Because of 3 and 2 parties don't even bother to enforce the Constitution because they are too afraid to lose power or know without majority in both houses and POTUS the side of SCOTUS they will be overturned
  5. The election system and senate representation system we have is no longer relevant, it values lands over people for no relevant reason.

I could go on but I would suggest these amendments:

  1. Money is not speech so outlaw its impact on elections and minimize its impact on government (see Move to Amend)
  2. Eliminate electoral college
  3. Outlaw gerrymandering
  4. Do something to fix lack of representation caused by the Senate system
  5. Corporations are not people (another aspect of 1)
  6. Increase SCOTUS to a much higher number of judges with term limits and depoliticize the appointment system
  7. Depoliticize the appointment system in government over all - merit based appointments only
  8. Radical transparency to reduce the endemic corruption - I personally think all meetings between representatives and between representatives and their constituents should be automatically on public record unless they are provably a risk to national security.
  9. Term limits in all branches. Government representation should not be a job for life. We can have a stronger civil service like other countries do and the executive branch should be around enforcing their correct operation not trying to create law or usurp the other branches through executive power.
  10. Fix elections and require secure fair voting using ranked choice for all seats - no ID requirements until 99.9% of have ID. No other disenfranchisement - screwing with elections should be considered one of the most serious offences of all and result in extremely stiff sentences
  11. Fix the court system so slap suits and chasing everything up to SCOTUS is not a rich man's way of badgering the poor to death
  12. A candidate who's advertised goal is to destroy government by whatever means possible should be ineligible. That should not be possible anyway since it would be unconstitutional but clearly it ain't working. Maybe we just have to go back to ensuring Constitution is upheld above all else...

There are other things around limiting local power grabs and subversion. Way too many local systems are extremely corrupt and nothing is being done to fix them because "States rights!". Let's remove States' rights to interfere with people's right to life, liberty and pursuit of government - that should be the case anyway, but it doesn't seem to be working.

We could make all the above changes to accelerate change but ultimately I think the Move to Amend goal which is basically 1 and 5 would eventually allow the system to fix itself. People power not money power would eventually bring about all the other changes and more unfettered by the interests of an increasingly small minority of uber rich oligarchs, autocrats, and corporations who treat people as fodder to furthering their wealth.

. . . it is refreshing and welcome to see a well thought out, organized and articulate point of view, this elevates the conversation instead of taking it to the lowest common denominator which seems to be the case all to often these days, I agree with some of what you say and even though I still need some aspects of what you propose explained to me I respect you


That's what got the USSR into the're talking about total anarchy which won't do the nation any good.


A number of the founders weren't Xians, but Deists. 😮



LOL...walk away from the drugs.


The 1st Amendment protects even t’gods tripe.

. . . we must all sign and send an open letter to the people's republic of China and also russian command imploring them to do what they can to rescue us


Just behave yourself

that put coffee up my nose. 🤣



Someone has gotten into the primo stash tonight.


so what you're saying is you'd like to see it tweaked.

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