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LINK More proof of God - A Response - YouTube

A response to a response lol

TheSavageAtheist 3 Aug 18

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history, science, and good ole common sense lay waste to all religious ....bullshit.


People that give proof have a dogma to follow and maintain. This means that they will be making a lot of things up in order to entertain the faithful. I know, I know, I know, I know.

No you don't.


Like your approach - respectful, serious, and good speaking voice - you sound intelligent. Gotta say though, a 40 minute video won't likely get much traction on this site. It's a bit long. And since you're a bit new here, I'll give a heads up that though I and many others here may like to talk about religion, there is also a significant faction that are here to talk about anything BUT religion. Concerning the first 10 minutes of the video, I would add to what you said that we also don't know WHO wrote these things in the bible. Additionally, none of the New Testament texts were written sooner than 35 years after Jesus' death, and most came significantly later. That's a long time for myths to develop, especially in primitive, superstitious, scientifically ignorant people. And it wasn't until the 300's that several councils convened to decide by vote which writings should comprise the New Testament. And finally, if the message of salvation is of such great importance, and God is all-powerful, why not a universal revelation, instead of the slow spread which has resulted in only one third of the world currently believing in Christianity?

I'm with you there. Infantile tedious stuff. Someone should give the kid a copy of "The blind watch maker" by Richard Dawkins.

There was no jesus alive or crucified temporarily dead ...alleged vaginal virgins NEVER gave birth to any alleged baby is all religious camel shit needing zero refutation....any 5 year old can see the pattern of lies Halloween incompetent pilgrims hannukah oil lamp alleged miracles xmas eve dirty donkey stables on every church lawn or house garden and blood dripping from crucifix plaster dead geebush jeehobah ghostholes eternal alleged hell threats and heaven bribes

@Larry68Feminist You must open your heart sir, and then you shall be able to receive the inherent truth which permeates the entirety of the story.

@Rossy92 nothing is true about religion ....permeates is a good word to describe believers gibberish..... there is a plot but the multitude of lies makes my heart race away from genocidal culture xians invented after Constantine renamed the mythra cults


Theists can not even give any verifiable, falsifiable evidence, much less any proof.

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