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Disregarding politics and character, I don't understand why Trump can't afford a better spray tan and hair color? It just seems if a poor person like me can afford quality tanner and decent hair color, can't a billionaire? Just saying. 🤷🏻♀️

Dorkyndaft 6 Aug 20

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Money doesn't buy standards or class. ...just saying.
You shitty character oozes through tinted hair and expensive attire too.


Heres an idea. Putin gave him a big bath full of the special colouring. It is so that if he ever starts to act like a he is starting to think, the Russian drones can find him easily, even in the dark. LOL


Fashion is individual. Would you rag on a millionaire transsexual that doesn’t look the way you think they should?
Asking for a friend....

It depends. If the person painted themselves orange, I probably would rag on them because they painted themselves orange. I might inquire as to the reason for the choice, though, because they may be trying to make a statement of some kind. Equally, I would never judge or tease someone for their gender identity or sexual orientation. In Trump's case, I feel no guilt in ragging on his choice to be orange simply because he can do better and he's a true bully, especially towards women and the disabled.


HAve you seen Trumps apartment in Trump Tower. The Man has NO TASTE. He would not recognize a quality product is it hit him in the face.


Let a buffoon look like a buffoon, it helps his core followers.


It's like anyone with terrible makeup jobs, at one point a little of what they are doing looked ok, so they kept adding more, until it became a mask.


Maybe we'll find out that the chemical compounds in his makeup affects his mental capabilities, haha!

He was stupid and inept long before he went orange.


That's his natural appearance.. He's an alien

Don't insult aliens like that! 😂

@Dorkyndaft not all aliens are alike, you know lol


perhaps he isn't a billionaire....further, being wealthy doesn't denote class and taste and he is THE prime example of that!!.....he has the appearence of someone that bathed in a vat of Cheetos and then found a dead possum on the side of the road and pasted it to his head for a toupee !!


That's not makeup. That's his real skin color.



I think it's some kind of dip. sheep-dip probably.

@VeronikaAnnJ that does make more sense.

@VeronikaAnnJ looking Orange under fluorescent lights....hmmm... must be a very rare condition. very rare. all this time I just thought it was kind of a cankered yellow from the dip.

@VeronikaAnnJ I doubt it. they're probably too pointy. he seems very tender.


Nobody wants to tell the emperor he has no clothes, especially this guy.

I want to tell him! Me! Pick meeeeeeee!

@MissKathleen not his inner circle


Some people are so delusional they think they look good... maybe (!!!!) He is one of when he says he's doing a wonderful job......

Absolutely 💯%!


Because no one cares about him enough to tell him how ridiculous he looks.

@MissKathleen That doesn't account for his wife and possibly others he considers close to him with whom he hasn't placed any power but even the ones he has placed power with don't truly care about him or they would have been honest with him about his appearance so he could improve it.

@MissKathleen Right, they care more about their benefits than about he from whom they derive. I'm not aware that any of Melania's businesses involve him.

@MissKathleen It wouldn't surprise me but I haven't seen any evidence of it. I wonder if she secretly hopes he won't be reelected so that it will be easier for her to leave. I don't like her either but she almost always looks miserable.

@MissKathleen 🤣🤣🤣

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