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The Kenosha killings aren’t just affecting Kenosha. They’re affecting all of America, and ESPECIALLY Wisconsin as a whole, which is sadly the state I live in :’(

“As residents see fires and looting, some worry that local Democratic leaders are failing to keep control of the situation...” This has resulted in a lot of voters in Wisconsin being steered away from the Democratic Party.

This could mean that Wisconsin is going to come up “red” in the 2020 Presidential election.... just like it did in the 2016 election, which might result in Trump winning Wisconsin AGAIN.

I do think Biden is the lesser of two evils; and even though I’m upset with the Democratic Party, I still do think the local Democratic leaders are trying their best. I mean... they can’t completely stop all this (in my opinion).

Although I can’t stand Biden, I still just could never imagine Donald Trump being our President for the next 4 years! I’m very much against the vote blue no matter who movement, and wasn’t going to vote for either Trump OR Biden due to my morals telling me “how can I vote for someone who has sexual assault allegations”.... which both of them do... even though I still wanted Biden to win, because like I said, I do think he’s the lesser of two evils.

Now I don’t know what to do, as stated above with what’s happening in Wisconsin and the current events. I ‘might’ have to vote for Biden now due to me panicking about Trump winning again....

VeronicaAnn 7 Aug 29

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The sexual assault allegations against Biden kind of fell apart. The woman had credibility problems.

Women with credibility problems can also be the victims of sexual assault.

@RoboGraham Of course. I did not think I needed to point out that in this context, she had a credibility issue.


I used to live in western Wisconsin. They are a very hit or miss group when it comes to party lines for sure.

Dealing with sides... the nation was built on a bottom up philosophy. Nearly every other on earth is top down on management of the nation. The president ‘could’ force the federal leadership into the state but he could be shit down. And should be in many cases. The governor ‘could’ force his leadership into a city, but could be shut down. And should be in many cases. That’s why we’re a free nation.

If the Democrats in Kenosha ask Tony Evers for help, they’ll get it from a state level. To get help from a federal level, Tony Evers needs to ask for it. Which he has and he got it.

Looking at Portland and Chicago; the President offered the help and they told him no. They absolutely didn’t want it. Look at them now.

Given the government structure; if a city or state is ran by Democrats, it’s absolutely not the federal government’s fault of the local problems regardless of who is in the Oval Office.

Now start taking your city council elections more seriously. They are the very first step to control a city or get things to the state and federal level.

If a city is falling apart though.... look to the local level. To blame the president is nothing but a lack of understanding of the US’s government structure.


Sexual assault charges against Biden were proven fake she admitted Republicans paid her . Biden is a descent human being unlike Orange sexual assault machine Trump

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2020

@VeronikaAnnJ Will try but it was on nation news


Until Covid hit, I was like, well, Trump has shown us that a gerbil could occupy the White House without causing too much harm, granted even then he was a horrible president. Now that his horrible failure to recognize, let alone fight, Covid-19 is killing tens of thousands of Americans and crushing both our economy and our standing in the world ... yeah, I think I'll vote for the other gerbil. Trump had his chance. I mean, his platform comes down to "I know things are really bad now on my watch, but Biden will make it worse!" Right.


Only one of two people will be President when this is over. This should not be a difficult decision. A vote for anyone else or a decision not to vote proves nothing and accomplishes nothing.


Biden needs to get out there and say, "If Donald Trump wins reelection he's going to take away Medicare, Social Security and repeal Healthcare." He needs to scream that from the mountaintop. He has some evidence for that. Whether it's true or not, that's a winning issue for him. Get Kamala to run around screaming the same thing.


The Dems have left a huge hole in their policies, and Trump has jumped on the 'LawAndOrder' bandwagon bigtime. If they don't find a a way to breach that gap, they likely will lose some swing voters -- perhaps even states. 😮


Biden is definitely the lesser of two evils.


As a person in a swing state, you don't have the same luxury as others who are in solidly blue/red states. I know my state will go blue no matter what I do so I feel free to vote however I judge to be best. Your vote is much more important. It will be disastrous if Trump were to win again so perhaps voting Biden is the logical thing to do.

I'm in Pennsylvania. This is why I'm so adamant about this. Thank you for what you said. If PA and WI go to Biden, that could stop Trump. At least Joe Biden could appoint a couple younger justices. Allow RGB to retire and concentrate on her health and maybe the same with Breyer. With a little luck maybe Clarence Thomas could drop dead. Yes I wish death on him. If they can pass single player or at least public option we don't want to worry about a right wing SCOTUS trying to take healthcare down.

@barjoe The Democrats need to push the Supreme Court issue. I haven't heard it mentioned in the last several weeks.

@bingst they led to scare people that Trump is gonna take away Social Security and Medicare.

@bingst at this point I don’t think they want to jinks things and have something happen to RGB before January 20 next year. She seems to be running on borrowed time and I wouldn’t put any trick past Trump and McConnell if they should lose their elections. Best to leave that dog lie, let the Trumplicans remind everyone of what they will do if we don’t vote them into retirement.


Vote Biden.. Those sexual assault charges are bullshit...

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