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Is drinking beer with tomato juice a regional thing?

Is drinking beer with tomato juice a regional thing? I grew up in South Dakota, where if you ask for a red beer you'd get a glass of half draught beer/half tomato juice. (Maybe some olives floating in top as a bonus) Here in Ohio when I've asked for the same, I have to explain what I want and deal with looks of stunned horror as I guide the traumatized bartender through the process. Do you like beer mixed with tj, or Clamato, or Bloody Mary mix, (and if so, what part of the country do you hail from) or is it an abomination in your eyes?

sknape 5 Apr 8

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46 comments (26 - 46)

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We call it a red-eye. I prefer it with clamato. And I'm from Virginia. (When I was a kid, they used to crack a raw egg into it as a hangover cure.)


Here in Oregon, I do.....


Seems like something I might have heard of, perhaps from my younger years... but I've never tried it.
I may have to ask around.


My reading of the comments seems to indicate this is a mexican thing. Just how South is your South Dakota?

Last I checked, just South of North Dakota! But its popular in Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota as well.


I'll drink the tomato juice only.

No, you must drink the beers too?!

@Condor5 Yuck!

@Sarahroo29 ?


Sounds good!


I'm in Michigan, and I've never heard of such a drink. I am curious to try it now.


Clamato hell freaking YES and people can roll their eyes all they want.... That's a funny story dude, thanks for sharing !!


Yak not here it isnt


Not sure...could be I suppose.


The Latino population around here (Houston) will order micheladas or buy the premade styrofoam cup with all of the stuff in it, just add beer.


In Wisconsin when we order a bloody mary we get a beer chaser. I usually pore my beer ino the glas after I finsih the bloody to rinse the glass and flavor the beer! Back in my youth when we had beer bars for the 18 to 21 year old we would put tomato juice in beer and call it a poor mans bloody Mary.

That sounds great! I need to stop for a Bloody Mary the next time I drive through Wisconsin...should go well with a butter burger and some cheese curds!


Beer and tomato juice was a popular camping drink when I was growing up. Wouldn't be surprised if all those premix wobbley pops have stiffled it from being popular with successive generations.


Oh no, that's disgusting. Can be adree on beer and a nice tomato sandwich?

Only if the tomatoes are fresh from the garden...

@sknape In Germany, we drink Spezi, half lager and half lemon soda- very refreshing. My favorite is Jever Pilsener and ice cold vodka.

That sounds wonderful, especially on a hot summer day!


I’ve heard of that as a hangover cure. I doubt it worked any better than aspirin and OJ.

CS60 Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Beer with Clamato is a big Latin cultural thing. I live in Vegas for the past 28 years and we have a large Latin population. My ex was Latin and her family drank it all the time. I find it pretty gross myself but whatever.


I consider the variant it is only the south Dakota thing. Maybe it’s okay that every region has its special traditions. However, after reading your post, I decided to try this ‘red beer.’ Even with olives. And I can suggest you all try, guys! This drink is just something. So good if you like beer but want to try some new variation. I’m a big beer lover, so when you constantly try it, you get bored of the same taste. I even started making it at home thanks to the site, which inspired me to do this, and homemade beer taste became the best for me. Now I add tomato juice to it sometimes


It sounds horrible!

JK666 Level 7 June 18, 2018

Here's one now, with Maggie looking on enviously...


No, it's how most alcoholics wake up. Sorry,, ex was and this was his go to beverage after the first cup of coffee. 🙂


I live in New England, and I remember that being trendy in the mid 90's, but haven't seen anyone do it in a while.

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