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After hearing what Trump said about our military dead, wounded, POWs, veterans and serving troops I feel a hot rush of mixed emotions – deep and searing anger, resentment, real pain, , astonishment. But, I also feel genuinely satisfying pleasure.

The pleasure is because I genuinely believe that he idiot Trump has finally said something so offensive, so arrogantly stupid and morally bankrupt that it is going to bite him in the ass so deeply that he will never recover from it. Before this over he will lose politically, socially, financially, and personally. He will become the greatest pariah in American history, a man who will become the most infamous American of all. With his totally moral bankruptcy, corruption, and sociopathy he deserves ALLl of that.

wordywalt 9 Sep 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Trumpaloes will abandon their love for the military before they abandon their love for Der Fuhrer.


Living in an intensely red portion of the bible belt, I see again and again how highly folks revere our military. This could cause serious and lasting damage.

Denial really does not stick since it was not a unique one-time comment. He has said very similar things before...

Zster Level 8 Sep 5, 2020

One can only hope you are right!


He's backtracking quickly , his SOP

I don't think that he can stop this one.


I hope you're right that these latest comments that have surfaced will be enough to wake up some of his supporters.

So far, I don't see any of my right wing friends batting so much as an eyelash at the reports - it's fake news to them. They will not hear any criticism of their false savior - they want to believe in him so badly.


Sounds like a cannonball hitting a rotten hull to me.


Wordy--you're feeling SCHADENFREUDE. If that's a new word to you, get to know it. I suspect we'll all be feeling it many times after the pustule's busted!

(It means that happy, warm feeling we get, seeing the misfortunes of someone we genuinely hate.)

I speak German, so I know the phrase. I thinkyou are right.


Trump has denied he ever said that. We have to somehow produce a verified video of it. Until then, it is going to be fake news in the campaign and not going to stick.

He's disrespected McCain publicly so not surprised



Nowhere in the Huffpost video I saw Trump actually saying "the war dead were losers." That is the issue here. Trump has said many awful things about McCain and not joining the military. But in this election season newspaper reports, especially liberal media written reports will not stick and will not sell. We have to produce clear video of Trump saying in France that he actually said that the "war dead were losers". Nobody has produced it. All we have is reports and that too in this election season. You know what happens in the election season. A lot of accusations fly left and right and voters get angry with the dirty game.... until you produce a solid proof.

This is not it. Democrats have a weak game. They are not as good as Republicans. They made the accusation against John Kerry about the swift boat incident stick.

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