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What would you do/say if someone you just met told you "I'm upfront about this. I have narcissistic personality disorder?" I have no idea what that person would expect someone to say to something like that. Would you actually still consider continuing to talk to a person who told you that? As someone who is notorious for attracting narcissistic people and went through therapy to learn how to avoid these people, that is a HUGE please don't talk to me anymore response from me.

As someone who is also passionate about psychology, I understand mental illness. Narcissists have a serious mental disorder. It doesn't mean me, or anyone for that matter, has to put up with a person like that... as sad as it is. I appreciate people being upfront to me, but never in my life have I encountered someone telling me right away that they're a narcissist until now. I guess this is a weird moment where it's a "Thanks for the heads up!" type of moment LOL. It is also extremely bizarre to me that I attract narcissists and just happened to run across another one. I have learned through therapy that narcissistic people are extremely drawn to me due to reasons that are mentioned in this article posted if you want to read it. Please beware of these people. They're VERY dangerous people and I can't reiterate that enough.


Good thing that now I can run for the hills from these type of people whether they're upfront about it or not, due to me knowing the signs of a narcissist right away now.

I didn't see any sings with this person as I only talked to him here and there for a few days, but I would have eventually caught on.

VeronicaAnn 7 Sep 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd walk away from anybody who I just met who felt the need to tell me their particular neurosis.


It's hard to believe that anyone who actually has narcissistic personality disorder would admit it to themselves or anyone else. That being said, remember what Oprah told us: when someone tells you who they are believe them!


RUN! Don't look back.


Wow, most narcissists won't accept that they are, but perhaps this person had sought professional help and was diagnosed as such and was truly warning you. Good to know up front, so not to get involved. Or maybe he was just joking or trying to get out of knowing you better. Either way, it sounds like you escaped unharmed.

The article you linked to is a good one. I learned my lesson never to get sucked into a relationship with a narcissist again, after finally getting out of a 8 year relationship 2 years ago. I'm old enough to where I doubt I'll ever have a romance again, and part of that is fear of getting sucked into a relationship with a narcissist again.

The "No Contact" break up is the way to go. While I have tiny bits of contact with my ex from time to time, I'm stern about keeping it only to the bare minimum task at hand. He keeps trying to worm his way back into my life with various tactics, but I'm not having it. I think he finally realizes I'm serious in needing to enjoy my own life after having most of the past 10 years being sucked into his.


I find it strange that a true narcissist would be self aware enough to even know he was a narcissist...kinda goes against the inherent traits of the disorder. Regardless, I would, as @Cyklone said, run like fuck.


I literally got a degree in psychology as a defense mechanism.
I also was intrigued by the field and wanted to genuinely help other people. 😀

People (as described in the article) who are empathetic and helpful and don't want to give up on others? Yup - bait for narcissists (and others). And learning you don't have to lift that burden is important as a survival skill.

I was willing to help other people - but not to bring it home with me. I try very hard to make that clear now. I can help in some ways but not in others. Particularly with my health issues.
I had to make myself a priority. (It can be hard to learn that if you've been raised female in this society). Or if you're just genuinely empathic.

I had a friend several years ago who turned out to be an utter narcissist. It took me a while to realize it because he had a lot of other things going on (ADHD) and a lot of losses that were hiding what was actually going on. When I finally figured out how I was being used? That was it

I quite literally shut the door in his face one day after a very brief explanation of why. It was not my burden to carry.


Perhaps, no, to a partnership/ relationship and, yes, to a training wheels friendship where you learn which boundaries are important to you. and when you need to back away and take time out?
(Over time if they can be respectful to you, who knows, but i doubt even a self aware narcissistic can be truly loving and supporting 🙁).
If you do like this person on some level, and can avoid getting too involved? I’ve been forced to learn boundaries by continuing to see my parents. But only do what suits you, obviously.


This goes a long way in explaining Trump’s appeal I guess. Apparently it works to attract males and females to the narcissist.


Honesty is best policy. However, that kinda strange what your going through with dudes.

@VeronicaAnn I don't best track record when it comes to dating. I either get the flakes or the picky. Have you ever considered dating a woman?

@MissKathleen you make very good points.


Narcissistic PD or borderline PD make an excuse to leave and don't go back. The others won't tell you what their problem is.

@VeronicaAnn narcissists and borderlines can be difficult to detect when you first meet them so if they're nice enough to tell you their problem, run like fuck. Both of these will destroy you if you get into a relationship with them. There are other personality disorders, paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial and histrionic. They would never tell you that they had a problem, except perhaps histrionic and you would probably pick up on that quickly. Extreme drama queens. Either way, stay away. If you are unfortunate enough to get in a relationship with one it will be like getting caught in a meat grinder.

1 and I are very similar. I too am a narcissist magnet, and as a matter of fact, my last relationship was with one. I also have a B.A. in psychology, a narcissistic relative, and understand the disorder very well. They are so charming, and get into your head the way most people could never dream of. Once you are love bombed by one, they are in. From there, they can destroy you from the inside out. Dangerous indeed! I promised myself that I would never again fall prey to one, and I mean it. Please, please be safe! They scope their prey to find the vulnerable ones. The one I was with told me he thought he was a narcissist, too. I didn't see it for a bit of a while. I should have known.


Too weird.

In the beginning of my relationship, I got dozens of texts, emails, FB messages per day. It was surreal.

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