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What are your dealbreakers?

A weird laugh? Terrible fashion sense? Horrible taste in food? What are the things that have you running for the hills right off the bat?

BrightTyger979 6 Apr 8

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The needy, the overly sincere, drama queens, the self-absorbed, the not very bright, and those without humor. One that l never figured out how to handle is telling someone who wears a perfume that you don't like, that you don't like it. A couple of times in my life l have met a woman l really liked but l couldn't tell them how much l disliked the scent they were wearing, so l didn't pursue the realationship. That is why l use all unscented products.


Being a Trump supporter. Even a small hint of dishonesty. Lack of eye contact. Disrespect to service people or wait staff in restaurants. Making a lot of excuses or placing a lot of blame elsewhere.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Overly religious
Overly materialistic
Judgemental about marijuana use


Insulting my passions. Pedantic condescending and intentionally trying to come off as highly intelligent. Incapable of knowing the difference between your and you're. Into drugs outside of marijuana or too into pot. Clingy or obsessive. Guilt tripper. Tries to 'fix me'. Can't accept me for who I am. "Feminism is a cancer!"

Well said.

"Pedantic condescending and intentionally trying to come off as highly intelligent." Yes! I really can't stand that attitude. There are topics where I could demolish him in terms of knowledge and ones where he could do the same to me but so what? He needs to get over himself if he's behaving that way. There are a couple professions where common people worship practicers of that knowledge so if I find out my guy is a part of any of those professions I watch him closely on dates for this.


The 3 “R’s”, racism, republicanism, religion... then it gets personal. Hygiene (all areas), smokers (weed ok), dental problems, poor grammar, tattoos, opposite music taste... apologies, obesity doesn’t work for me.

Tomas Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

you read my mind!


Any kind of prejudice or intolerance.


Racist Homophobia.


Poor hygiene and bad attitude


Bad teeth/no teeth, cigarette smoker, bad breath/body odor, doesn't like animals, holy roller/won't talk on phone/texts only


Lazy, hot tempered, misogynist ideas, and a criminal record any worse than being caught with pot as a kid. I'm 30 so we're gettin real here lol.


Yellow teeth. Bad grooming. Comb over


I'm picky as hell. Poor hygiene. Rudeness/disrespect - towards me, a server, really anyone. "Conservative" (right wing) values, including religion. Problems with my values. I'll say right up front that I'm a feminist and see how they react. Dislike of or persistent lack of understanding towards polyamory. Not intelligent enough OR highly intelligent but with a chip on his shoulder about it (usually trying to make others seem stupid in comparison). (For Ghu's sake, I used to be a Mensan - you might be more educated, but you are NOT more intelligent than I am.) No sense of humor. Childishness (as opposed to childlikeness). Smoker (of anything), user of any drug that isn't prescribed, or heavy drinker. Bigoted. Doesn't read regularly (MUCH more than just reading on the Internet). No goals.


Trump supporters. Religious. Gym rats. Bad hygiene. No sense of humor and/or doesn't get mine. Chronic victim mentality. No interest in evolving or personal growth. I also pay attention to how they treat people like gas station attendants, homeless people, waitresses, etc. It says a lot about a person.

Lani Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

My last date was a perfect example. No eye contact, too short, massive amounts of drama, spent the entire date complaining about his life , kids and ex. Although I told the waitress that it would be separate checks , he never offered to even buy me a beer. He made me walk two blocks in the dark at night alone. Never texted me to see if I got home safe. I did text him and thanked him for wasting my f** time in a very nice respectful way.

I once had a date where I had car trouble on the way home and called him. He said he was going to bed and refused to come help. I called my roommate at the time and she came out but that was a real asshole move on his part. He was a graduate student in computer science and got me into reddit in the early days of the site and that was the only good thing I took from meeting him.

@SACatWalker sorry if I offended you about the comment about height. I suppose some deal-breakers are just personal preference. I'm 5 6 and I've been out with men that have been 5 6 and just a little taller, and that was fine with me. who knows? he may have treated me that way because he looked at me and considered me fat and unattractive. May i also add that if he wasn't such a downer, his height probably would not have mattered as much.

@ThereIsADog another example of sheer lack of common courtesy.. that SHOULD be the ultimate deal-breaker for all people


I can't afford to be picky.


Lack of intelligence. They don't have to agree with me on everything (or on one memorable occasion, anything) but they have to be able to tell me why they don't agree.


Religious addiction, conservative bias. Smoking or excess substance abuse...and not simply because of those actions. These are indicators of someone's self-worth (or lack of it). The question would be, if you don't care about yourself, why should I? I'm fresh outta energy for pumping up someone who has low self esteem in a relationship. Been there...done that.


Lack of empathy, a Republican, and among Democratic Party people, low information tribal voters, neoliberals. And chubby people kind of kill the chemistry. And in the US, that excludes most people in their 50-60's. And while I like pets. Anyone who sleeps with their dogs is a no.

I'm typing this with my dog next to me in bed 😛. He doesn't sleep in my bed when I have company and didn't when I was with my most recent ex but my dog is a total cuddler and so am I. I could see it being a deal breaker for some people though.


Smokers. Rude to service people. Drive aggressively when I’m a passenger.


i'll add loud talking.... i have excellent hearing and DON"T like to be with somebody who talks loud enough to be heard a block away.


Racists; Tea party members; neonazis- but I repeat myself. Bible thumpers; stupid people, people who dislike kids. Animal abusers. I'll stop here. I should also mention that I live alone and do not plan to change that any time soon.


Smokers, arrogance, judgemental attitude, someone who can barely talk.


Veganism. Being Militant Anything. Being elitist.


Republicanism (though, thankfully, that's rare in the LGBTQ community), tobacco smoking, mumbling (I'm hard of hearing through no fault of my own), laziness, introversion, and for fuck's sake, if you use Linux or Apple, have the decency not to evangelize at me about it.


I really only have two, you gotta be able to use deodorant, and you have to possess a sense of humor. I tell bad jokes all day long. Now that I think about it maybe they need a bad sense of humor to put up with me.

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