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Do you believe all children are naturally born Atheist?

When we are born, we are born without the knowledge of gods, but are taught these things. Any thoughts on this and why?

lferguson900 4 Apr 8

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I think Ozzy would call them and house cats lacktheists


Much of the behavior around religion and children by those promoting religion two children is borderline child abuse at best


Yes, all born atheist.
Taught for Control.
Why else.


Fiction has to be taught.


We are born a-everything. We have no mental constructs at birth, as far as I know. I've never seen or heard anything that in any way indicates we have complex conceptual understanding of any aspect of human, or divine, existences at birth.


Well I suppose i never heard a baby reciting verses of the bible!


I believe childeren have a natural tendancy to believe their parents. If their parents are very religious and they are assaulted with that every day then as they grow up it becomes ingrained in their minds. When you call out someones' faith as bullshit and experience their cognative dissonance what you are seeing is them shutting down because they see you basically saying that they've been lied to by the people that mean the most to them. Unfortunately it takes a lot for people to get over this. Obviously this is just a supposition and not always the supreme rule.


Yes.... and everyone is atheist towards other gods that aren't their own 😉


Yeah I definitely feel we are all born atheist and then we get taught things which leaves an impression on us and we form our thoughts based on what we are taught sometimes it takes along time for you to know what you actually believe and what you were taught to believe.


Of course...!


I believe most children are raised by there parents to be brainwashed into believing what their parents believe no matter what anyone else thinks. As the children grow they keep the beliefs of the parents to make thier parents happy. As they grow they learn and can eventually gather thier own ideas and decide to stay where they are, or branch out and find thier own way. In this way the child has no option but to grow into the parents religion even though they are born with no knowledge of anything.


Born atheists, belief is taught.


Yes. Parents are the first people to bring religion into a child's life. In the words of Philip Larkin;
They fuck you up, your Mum and Dad
They don't mean to, but they do.


Actually, until they’re two years old, mom and dad ARE god. When a child cries, it doesn’t know it’s wet, hungry, tired, afraid... it just senses something that troubles it and relies on the it’s parents to determine what’s wrong. Studies show that by the age of two, most children have started to develop a sense of self, but are still developing.

The reason they believe us about the gods in the first place is that they’re wired to believe most of what mom and dad and the adults in their life tell them. Whether or not this god takes on a name or become more than a growth phase depends on what they’re taught.


The human mind doesn't know or believe anything at birth so it can be neither agnostic (doesn't know whether or not there is a doG) nor atheist (doesn't believe there is no doG).



Deb57 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Of course! How on earth would they learn about religion before they're born?


Yes and through time, education, and questioning my faith I became atheist. For me it was a long journey but one well worth the time. Parents want their children to be raised in their own image and that includeds their faith. We went to church when I was a child but as I got older we stop attending. I don't think my parents were that religious to start with but they felt it was good for us. My father had attended religious schools through high school and recieved an excellent education and they tried it with my brother and I (it didn't take with us, he stayed and I decided to attended public school). Both my brother and I are atheists. I don't think my parents think they've failed but are glad that we have come into our own.


No. Children are naturally born Fundamental Baptists.


Children, like animals, have no concept of gods. They are indoctrinated into the religion of their parents.


Children at first think parents (especially Mom) are an all knowing all nurturing (hopefully) being. They slowly learn this isn’t true. For most of us that gets replaced by god as we’re subjected to religion. If we weren’t maybe the natural human progression would come sooner that we’re autonomous beings and responsible for ourselves.


There is a theory that children who have grandparents active in their lives are more likely to believe in god. The logic being that their parents are answerable to a higher authority, so....


I think we are all born atheists.
We learn the concept of god later on.


I don't think its possible to believe or disbelieve until you are aware of the ideas of God or the theoloy attached. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

AmyLF Level 7 Apr 9, 2018
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