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Do you believe all children are naturally born Atheist?

When we are born, we are born without the knowledge of gods, but are taught these things. Any thoughts on this and why?

lferguson900 4 Apr 8

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I believe childeren have a natural tendancy to believe their parents. If their parents are very religious and they are assaulted with that every day then as they grow up it becomes ingrained in their minds. When you call out someones' faith as bullshit and experience their cognative dissonance what you are seeing is them shutting down because they see you basically saying that they've been lied to by the people that mean the most to them. Unfortunately it takes a lot for people to get over this. Obviously this is just a supposition and not always the supreme rule.


Well I suppose i never heard a baby reciting verses of the bible!


We are born a-everything. We have no mental constructs at birth, as far as I know. I've never seen or heard anything that in any way indicates we have complex conceptual understanding of any aspect of human, or divine, existences at birth.


Fiction has to be taught.


Yes, all born atheist.
Taught for Control.
Why else.


Much of the behavior around religion and children by those promoting religion two children is borderline child abuse at best


I think Ozzy would call them and house cats lacktheists

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