The Supreme Court on Monday said it will not hear a case from a Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples, but two dissenters in the court’s landmark 20 decision repeated their criticism of its “ruinous consequences for religious liberty.”
Kim Davis was way to prejudiced for her job and therefore she should not have had that job. Issue of a license on religious grounds was not her choice to make. Kim Davis would most likely go to imaginary hell herself but she has been forgiven by mythical Jesus.
Again more emphasis on 'religious liberty' over secular liberty. SCOTUS is becoming just another religious sect and the founders would be turning in their graves.
Why can't these religious hypocrites pray quietly in their closet as Jesus instructed and stay away from US politics?
Because they know they are a dying breed. Millennials and Gen Z just aren’t not religious as earlier generations. They all know that also and can’t stand it. Take solace in that.
@SeaRay215ex Thanks..I needed that good news.
Kim is a Karen.
I don't care if none of her dreams ever come true.
Davis is stuck in past with a lot of this country. It's my right to marry a guy if I choose to.
They’re idiots, she and all like her just cannot deal with reality.
Too bad, so sad......I question whether they even have the right to comment, I would expect them to recuse themselves if something similar comes before them. Oh, wait, that would involve ethics......