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Just read that Donny, J for Jerk, tRump wants to 'delay' further debates with Biden until later this month.
Refuse to do ANY debates that ARE not held on a face to face basis because it would give Biden an unfair advantage by allowing Biden to use a tele-prompter.
Is tRumpty wumpty now at the stage of 'shitting kittens' or what?

Triphid 9 Oct 8

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Trumps a coward and a bully.
He can't take back the first debate and that one sealed his doom, unless he can ruthlessly steal the election, which he would love to do, but when he orders our law enforcement and military to do crime I doubt they'll fall for it.
If the wrong (the alt-right) get their civil war it won't work well for them.
We'll see soon.


How is that unfair? I mean, if Biden could read from a tele-prompter, surely Trump could do the same, right?

Oh..."Trump" and "reading" don't exactly go together, do they?

Methinks you kind of forgot to include " anything requiring the usage of the brain" in your reply....LOL.


He is just using the tactics he always uses to try to throw others off balance and gain an undue advantage. It is a lifelong pattern.

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