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"There’s a terrible danger in voting for the lesser of two evils because the parties can set it up that way.”

~ Hunter S. Thompson

WilliamCharles 8 Oct 15

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Yah, so sit on your hands … that’s obviously worked wonders 😀

Varn Level 8 Oct 15, 2020

The DNC elevated Dolt 45 as their handpicked pied piper to give Madam Pantsuit someone easy enough to beat. Remind me how that worked out again?

@WilliamCharles You’re a warped, broken record... As long as your twisted narrative allows you to dodge your responsibilities, all’s well? Does it feel like an accomplishment wasting the time of those who know better? Should everyone treat you like a stale joke?

..and who salvaged the money starved ‘DNC’ all those years ago… and why does that matter now? And who allowed both a ‘conservative’ and ‘an independent’ to run against her? And, how much pain does it cause to realize a ‘pants suit’ has given more to this nation than you?


I agree wholeheartedly with HST on this. And I firmly believe it is immoral to vote for a lesser evil, for exactly the reason he mentioned - that it allows it to keep getting worse. And getting worse is indeed what happened. So much worse that I feel I no longer have the liberty to do the moral thing. The house is on fire. I already regret the immoral act that I now feel forced to commit.

skado Level 9 Oct 15, 2020

Then put on your big-boy pants and do what needs done. I’ve got some of that whining in my family, too. Just because he got his photo with Bernie, and all the Bro’s in his ultra-liberal hometown were/ are for Bernie… he’s compelled to badmouth Biden.

His Grandmother suggested, ‘he may as well vote for trump!’ I told her he needs to get his punkass out of P-town and head across the nation like I had.. Let him count the trump signs, flags ..and roadside shrines. Let him meet the hood-less Klan at the local lumberyard, gas station or grocery stores. Let him see what this nation’s made of.

He’s a big, white, over-educated spoiled punk … who needs to spend the summer with his hog growing corn-fed religious-soaked second cousins to learn what ‘middle America’ is thinking.. Sure, if enough of those ‘suburban independent women,’ or the inner cities of angry blacks had been ready to shove Sanders over the top - and with a coattail effect of flipping the Senate, ‘Go Bernard!’ As is, they weren’t. With all they’ve heard, Joe Biden was their choice.

When the nation’s hemorrhaging from a head wound … you don’t fuck around looking for the the perfect matching skin-colored band-aid - you apply what’s available - and go from there. But ‘going from there’ means actually doing something! And ‘doing something’ doesn’t mean bashing the only political party capable of repairing the damage… You need to go after the enemy harder than your own side. If not, you’re not fit for either..

@Varn exactly. Those who refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils and do nothing effectual are the worst and sit by with indifference while the road to Auschwitz is paved.

Some people aren't able to zoom out and comprehend the damage that constant lesser evil voting causes. They are only able to focus on the big scary bad guy of the current election.

Let's not let their myopic tantrums bother us. Vote however you judge is best.

@prometheus, @RoboGraham Claiming both are evil is the mistake here, the repeated mistake. More of the false equivalency BS - and - feeding into the narrative of ‘there’s nothing I can do,’ I don’t like either of them, I don’t want to have to explain my vote, maybe I should toss it, again..

Some did what they could do - now it’s time they grow up, grow a pair - and vote! Whining over not having gotten their dream candidate is an excuse for apathy and inaction.. Gee ….four years of bitching over imperfections - or marching down that road to Auschwitz ..that’s a tuff one ~


I already voted.

@Varn sorry wasn't meaning to in imply both are evil, just echoing the zeitgeist of those that do.

IMO one party is mostly just working within the confines of a deeply flawed system that has been hacked to put money over people, the other is actively exploiting that and responsible for the hack in the first place.


Do you think that the first party could have decided to not follow the lead of the second and continued to value people over money?

@RoboGraham they could have, but they would never have won any elections subsequently, and as we have seen for the last 20 years the American system is now rigged to winner takes all. So we'd be relegated to the green party - passionate, well intended but ineffectual.

Instead they are locked into this rotten, fetid, non-functional duopoly and I agree, they are fully complicit. This is a fascinating take on that system: []

I guess folks thought losing in 2016 was a good thing and would force the democrats to reinvent themselves. With Joe on the ticket it is clear we didn't get too far. Harris as Veep is hopeful but she is still middle of the road in terms of transformative change. Hopefully by the time some of the many 2020 primary contenders are back in contention - could be several more terms at this rate - we'll have completed that transformation.

But while they haven't metamorphosed overnight (a ridiculously optimistic expectation) I do feel like Democrats are changing - if only because their base are changing - but they will still have to play the game to make the structural changes to government so that the game is changed forever (or at least until the next game changing revolution). There won't be a revolution any time soon (unless Trump cheats his way back to four more years - in which case get ready for burning cities and blood paths for real).

The problem we have is decades of programming that "the government doesn't work" (except when it makes perfect phone calls), "government is bad" (except when it is "GREAT" ), "government can't be trusted" (except when it is telling you how to live your life) and that has been institutionalized by a generation or two of voters. This is the real and massive damage that those decades of mismanagement have wrought on the system. It is self fulfilling and self-destructing. So any party, even the most trust worthy, well intended, and principled one in the world will be doomed to failure because we have created a nation that simply doesn't believe in government of, by, and for the people. They don't believe it is possible and don't want it any more. They want a dictator to give them bread and circuses and always remind them they are the greatest in the world, and they are WINNING!


I don't think I agree that they would have ended up sidelined if they didn't jump onboard the Reagan revolution. It wasn't all that long before then that our most successful politician in our history won four elections in a row for the democratic party by supporting the interests of the working class and providing them with a new deal. If the dems hadn't sold out to the corporations as the republicans did, they would have been at a monetary disadvantage but the pendulum would have eventually swung back in their direction when working people began to realize that trickle down economics and harsh criminal justice does not benefit them. Instead, the pendulum had nowhere to swing back to because the left party chased the other party right. People are so dissatisfied with this status quo that they were willing to vote for Trump just because he seemed different. Imagine the possibilities if there had been an option that actually genuinely does support working class interests.

I certainly do agree that the dems are fully complicit at this point. They have completely adopted the republican strategy of going after the big money donors and only paying lip service to the needs of regular people. It's to the point now that, I don't think this party is salvageable. I've been a democrat since I was 18, never missed an opportunity to vote for them, but no longer. I can't imagine them gaining back my support anytime soon because it's clear that their priorities are way out of line and they do not represent me. I think you're right that they are changing, slowly, because the population is changing. But they are resisting that change with all the wealth and power that they have. When something like 85% of democrats and even a majority of republicans support medicare for all, they can't resist forever. But they will postpone reform for as long as possible to keep that sweet sweet for profit healthcare money rolling in.

I think your final paragraph is accurate. I would only say that, it's not everyone who has been programed in that way. There are plenty of people who realize that government can work, if we don't elect grifters, and they understand the potential benefits that a functional government can have for society. I think many see that the government has been mostly taken over by grifters so they lose hope in it and in response, reduce their participation and expectations in government. This is why we have such woefully low voter turnout. People become disillusioned when they see the same terribly destructive policies continued regardless of which party wins. I feel that way but I won't allow it to make me apathetic. I will still care and participate, just not within the undemocratic party.

So for me, hope lies within some new party which will embrace working class wants and needs and, hopefully, someday, sweep aside this corrupt duopoly which now runs the country.


I don’t know, how about a quarter million dead because the administration turned social distancing and mask into an anti-administration political statement when it was a health issue. Then add the pressure to send all of the kids back to school while contributing nothing toward preparing school facilities to be safe.
So it seems you support a president guilty of mass negligent homicide at the very least, and that doesn’t include his know criminal career before and after taking office.
So you’re saying that somehow Biden is worse?
Did you grow up eating stupid pills?
Nixon was a saint compared to Trump and Nixon was a monster.

A corrupt DNC that both elevated Trump in the first place to "ensure" Madam Pantsuit the win (remind me again how that turned out?), as well as reanimated the zombified corpse of Joe Biden to drag it across the finish line cannot be rewarded for their perfidy.

It's that fucking simple. Flush out your headgear.

It’s been flushed out that this guy can’t get over Bernie's loss to Biden.. So he’s advocating the same shit that got us here. I doubt he cares for anyone, and that no one cares for him … so this is his way of saying F-you to the world.

It’s far more than simple stupid at this juncture to advocate we hand another four to trump.. His complex of stupid is apparently vengeful and terminal.

No, it's not that Biden is worse, it's that the continuous voting of the lesser evil over and over again is dangerous. It is how we end up with Leaders like Trump.


How about the evil of two lessers? Lol


More BS from you
What exactly is your point?

Why do you care? Don't like it, don't bother reading my posts.

If your main defense of Joe Biden is, "Stop pointing out what a POS he is!," you may have backed the wrong candidate.

@WilliamCharles You suck lollipops

He’s powerless to help, so he attempts to hurt.. It’s telling when someone like this has nothing to add, anywhere. A decrepit version of the kid who couldn’t build a sand castle -- so stomped those of others..

Some pretty transparent projection on your part... know what I mean, Varn? 😄

@WilliamCharles You wish, old man ~

@Varn Thanks, Varn. I can tell you're a man of distinction and acute perception. WC is another bitter old troll.


There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment . Hunter S. Thompson ...

I'm living that right now, CB.

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