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Would atheist be ok with supporting a 'god doesn't exist' campaign on social media?

Would atheist be ok with supporting a 'god doesn't exist'™ campaign on social media to bring the world along?

Changing minds because it won't make the world a better place?

Here is a sample:

The seriousness of religious beliefs is funny™

Ploria 4 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I think that just being out and trying your best to be good does more than getting in people's faces. I'm here because it's a place to share experiences and stories and thoughts with like-minded people and not to convert people.

gearl Level 8 Nov 28, 2017

Pointless tactic. When you see a religious ad, do you change your mind?


I would.


No. There's a simple reason for this. The word 'atheist' does not mean one is making the declaration that there is no god. To make that kind of statement shifts the burden of proof onto the atheist's shoulders.

I am 99.999999...9% sure there are no supernatural entities of any kind, but because I have no evidence to support a solid conviction, I don't make the assertion. It really is that simple. If you wish to be a militant atheist, be my guest, just understand that making a declaration without evidence is a fool's errand.


It's a free country. Go for it.


Definitely not. Let humans come to their own individual conclusions. We shouldn't force our opinion on others. This will only create anger and aggression towards atheists. I would happily support a campaign that encourages people to think for themselves, do research and develop their own opinions.


No, I wouldn't do it. As much as I dislike religious beliefs, it is their belief, and they're entitled to believe that kind of stuff as long as it is not being shoved down no ones throat.


I don't think mocking people would be an inviting introduction


No, I wouldn't support it. "God doesn't exist" is a positive claim, and you'd have the burden of proof to support you claim. To say "I don't believe a god exists" is different. I don't believe Bigfoot exists, but I can't prove that he doesn't. It's just that I don't have a good reason to believe he does, so continue to disbelieve until I have reason to change my belief.

Plus, it's just too antagonistic for my taste.



Why not? But why to do that????


You can't ridicule people's beliefs and expect them to come around to your way of thinking.

Each person has the right to believe what they chose to believe but they do "not" have the right to force that belief on to others.

I would not support a campaign of this kind.

Betty Level 8 Nov 27, 2017

God must not be killed, he must be forgotten. We must recruit and educate, not offend and annoy.


Social media will not sway now if it was anti global warming it might.

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