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LINK Armed 'militia' groups increase their visibility

Law enforcement says the militia presence makes their job more difficult.

snytiger6 9 Oct 28

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The Marxist BLM group is the number one problem, not militia groups.

@actofdog You are correct. Far Right Wing groups are the biggest terrorist threat these days.

American militia groups are terrorist.
Right-wing extremists have killed 329 victims in the last 25 years, while antifa members haven't killed any, and that's not counting the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168.
That bomber was one of yours right Trajan?
Meanwhile BLM also has zero American deaths, and the deaths that they were accused of were found to be from right-wing extremists that are now in custody to frame BLM.
So it's just like Germany February 27, 1933 when the Nazis burned the Reichstag (The seat of the German parliament) and blamed Communist and Jews.
You're a fascist, but your lies carry no weight in the light of informed discussion Trajan61.


While I agree certain groups like the Proud Boys are hardly a benign group, police around the country and in particular the major cities have far worse concerns than the PBs...

I don't see the PBs going around starting fires or looting stores, and claims that some of them have infiltrated groups like ANTIFA and BLM have not been substantiated beyond any and all doubts. I open carry at certain places, and while it helps that business owners and others around you know who you are, even those who don't know me personally and see me open carry don't seem to care much. As a general rule, if you do not intend to commit any sort of crime (especially assault someone) then someone exercising a constitutionally protected right should not bother you.


Morons and make believe soldiers, guess who is waiting for them

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 28, 2020

If it ever comes to that I don’t think the army is going to be in your side.

@Trajan61 Actually they are with us their oath is to the constitution not the president , and Pentagon has plans to suppress them

@bobwjr After Trump referred to teh military as "losers" and "suckers", if the military ever supported him, they most likely changed their minds. All the political polls among active military show they support Biden more than Trump. As a first republicans are sup0ressing the military vote this election... and they know about it.

@Trajan61 I was in the Army our oath comes first

I wish I could be as confident as some that the military won't be as split as the general population when the time comes to take sides. If nothing else, we learned at the start of the Civil War that taking an oath and defending your country can not overcome loyalty to faith and family. All the top military leaders at the time had take an oath the same as they do now. If it gets totally out of hand, I would expect the military to split in a very similar fashion to the general population. Thankfully, I would hope most would side to keep the country whole and defend the winner of the popular vote. But I would not expect all of them to. Timothy McVey was in the military and he did not mind blowing up little kids to prove a point.

@bobwjr Just like it did in the American Civil war.

@Barnie2years Even the generals resigned their commission first so as not to betray their oath then switched sides

@Barnie2years, @Trajan61 But not while in the military they resigned first , anything else is treason

@bobwjr That will likely happen again if the looney democrats get to radical.

@Trajan61 Again if they don't resign first it's treason and military has the death penalty

@bobwjr I’m sure they will resign before they will fight for a left wing tyrant!

@Trajan61 If they worked under right wing tyrant then they will stay, those who leave will improve the military and unlike some I actually served


"Law enforcement says the militia presence makes their job more difficult." !?!?!!??
WTF?, the militias are the job of law enforcement, militias are criminals and that's what law enforcement is supposed to protect us from!


Not if they really did their job, something they fail to do on a regular basis. They seem to be really good at assaulting unarmed protesters. What a bunch of weenies!

I'd be willing to bet if groups of Black Panthers showed up at polling places with weapons brandished the police would react. A short trip in history to the last time we were this divided and the Black Panthers shows what happens when "Black Militas" form and openly carry.

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