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Pro-Choice Christians:

BirdMan1 8 Oct 31

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Encouraging article. The anti-choice movement has had disproportionate power, a clear political strategy and money. But they can be thwarted.

= = = = = = = = =

The United Church of Christ has maintained a consistently strong pro-choice stance since 1970.

In 1994, the General Convention of the Episcopal Church adopted a resolution expressing "unequivocal opposition to any [legislation] that abridges the right of a woman to reach an informed decision about the termination of pregnancy or that would limit the access of a woman to safe means of acting on her decision."

In 1992, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) reaffirmed support for a woman's right to choose.

At the 1992 General Conference of The United Methodist Church, the principles of Roe v. Wade were reaffirmed.

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, representing Conservative congregations, in 1993 reaffirmed its resolution opposing any legislative attempts to weaken Roe v. Wade through constitutional amendments.

Recent resolutions of the Union for Reform Judaism, representing Reform congregations, uphold an "unwavering commitment to the protection and preservation of the reproductive rights of women."
Believe It: Religious Americans Are Pro-Choice
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

In 1970 and again in 1989, the American Friends Service Committee [Quakers] stated their support for "a woman's right to follow her own conscience concerning childbearing, abortion and sterilization."

The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1974 and again in 1980 affirmed "the right of the woman to make her own decision regarding the continuation or termination of problem pregnancies."

In 1975 and again in 1989, the Disciples of Christ General Assembly resolved to "respect differences in religious beliefs concerning abortion and oppose, in accord with the principle of religious liberty, any attempt to legislate a specific religious opinion or belief concerning abortion upon all Americans."

[from Daniel C. Maguire, Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, 2001]


This is the kind of bullshit that happens when you mix politics and religion. What the hell were they thinking?


Great article.


I hope so! OH, I do hope so!


Most self identified Christians support choice, the other minority of fundamentalist pro Confederacy Christians say the majority aren't real Christians.

I get SO DAMNED TIRED of hearing them say "Oh, they're not REAL Christians." What in hell is a "real" Christian? Someone who follows the precepts of Jesus and loves their neighbor, minding their own business, being charitable, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry? Show me some of those, please.

Right off the top of my head....I think Roslyn and Jimmy Carter might fit the description but....can't think of anyone else.

Can you?

@LucyLoohoo Me, except I’m an atheist.
I still watch what I think, they just watch what they say.
I've actually performed over ten thousand hours of voluntary public service.
I'd clean up after civic events, like Pride events. Sweeping streets and bagging garbage. Setting up chairs for public award ceremonies all on my own dime working with the Beacon House of San Pedro.

@LucyLoohoo Christian, Protestant, Mormon, Catholic, whatever it is........They all think their religion is the only “Real” one.

They’re all a dime a dozen.

@SeaRay215ex I call them the North American Christianity Cults when referring to them in a group. Except Catholics of course.

@Willow_Wisp And what do you call catholics?

@LucyLoohoo Christians. They have as much right as any other religion but they're based in Rome to this very day, so not North American Christianity cult.
It's a geographical division, nothing more.
But wow, just look at Americans, Mormons, Baptist, Methodist, Jehovah Witnesses, Moonies (Church of the Gun), Pentecostals, Assembly of God, it's just a never ending train of stupid and all looking down on each other as being incorrect. The bigger the disagreement the more they demonize one another.
And I'm not even considering the ones that don't reference Jesus like the Scientologist. That's a whole nother rant.

@Willow_Wisp Gotcha! Never thought of it that way.

@SeaRay215ex Don't they ever!


I got about halfway through that article before I smacked myself in the face. The head of Catholics for Choice said that a majority of Catholics differ with THE POPE and his Papal Infallibility as it relates to abortion. Why the fuck do they still consider themselves Catholic if they so fundamentally disagree with what is essentially the word of God?? Religious people are so fucking stupid and inconsistent.

She's wrong. There's a pre research study about religion, prayer, religious service attendance, etc. and how it relates to views on abortion.


There are lots in the UK, but when I was a Youth Worker for the Salvos in Aus. I was told I wasn’t able to provide information on terminations, but then I didn’t actually realise they were illegal in the state at that time too.


Too bad her parents weren't pro choice.

Yeah, another abortion opportunity lost.

@BirdMan1 Pro Abortion!!

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