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Being single

How many of you are sick of being single?

hOtMeSs2017 4 Apr 10

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Yep, me. I hate being single only slightly more than I hate being in a relationship. I've been single for about 5 years after a 3-year relationship that I broke off during my chemo because she was being a bitch. I'm ready for my next bad decision.

Only bad decision is not making a decision !

@VAL3941 LOL Completely disagree.

Do you hate yourself with all your negevity ? Things always improve, you must just have patience !

@VAL3941 LOL! Nothing you say makes any sense and your grammar is terrible. I guess I'm just realistic. Thanks for the laugh though.

Grammer problems are caused by finger problems. Does that make any sense ?

@VAL3941 Voice-to-text is a wonderful software invention.

Thats for lazy people and those that can't write. And I live in Africa..( smiles)

LOL. What does Africa have to do with this? Africa doesn't have Voice-to-text? Or grammar? That is the nonsensical reasoning I have been talking about here. SMH


I am not happy being single at all. I'm not a one-night-stand person, and I miss intimacy. I'm not about to jump into anything without a connection, but I'd like at least the chance to make one. My last LTR put sex off-limits, and I went with it to be with her.


I am single but I am not sick of being single it gives me a chance tostudy and learn about myself.
I am pleased that I have joined this forum here and learn so many new things and make a lot of new friend too.If I was not single I would not have the opportunity to get involve in this forum or make new friends
yes time is a great healer and will eventually find my other half or my soul mate keep being positive here

Rosh Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

Me. It sucks


I wouldn't use the word "sick" of it really. It just is nice to have someone around once in the while to do things with, share things, etc. I've been single now almost 4 yrs and I sure as hell do not want to go through that crap every again with the last one. I like my freedom but I also like the social connection with someone too.


I am tired of it too.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

It gets old and boring after the initial surge of freedom wears off.

At times you just want a decent conversation, a shared activity, company for dinner and a solid bang after.


I do like the freedom that comes with being single, but there is some lonliness that comes with it as well. If you have a good relationship with someone but can't be with them all the time - it's still good being single. Having communities of people like this to talk to is a bonus.


I am kind of hating it. It seems really hard to meet someone new once you hit 50, which I just did. I was in a long-term relationship that tanked about two years ago, I've done the work I needed to do, and I'm really ready to be a great partner but I can't find anyone. I miss it.


Hmmm, interesting question. My feeling about being single are like that of being hungry. Most of the time I am quite content being single, I have always been very independant. But like being hungry, sometimes I just want someone around. I have rarely managed that ballance of having someone who was equally independant, who was great having around because those times you want to spend time together they are there and the rest of the time they are not asking you to spend more time with them.
But it's easier to be single, I have a 10 year old and she fills my need for having someone around to pester inbetween what ever I'm doing. But I wish I could find a grown up who is equally independant and not in constaint need of my attention.
So I am not so much sick of being single, just tired of trying to find someoen who is a good fit, I think a flight attendant would be good, someone who is constaintly going away for days at a time so that by the time I get to missing them, there they are.

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