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Am I missing something? Why does President Trump have so many loyal followers? I would honestly like to know. Not snippet answers, I am interested proven facts from unbiased sources of what the President has done to benefit the average person? What are his good deeds? A Canadian wants to know.

MsHoliday 8 Nov 5

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It is the cult of personality!!!

Mao, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, and so many more were all cult personality that were able to lead death cults against the pure interests of those who followed them!!!

Almost half the electorate of this country are within this death cult of personality followers, that is so scary in its self!!!.

They will fight for a cause that does not actually care for them and uses them as fodder to fight for control over them!!!


The explanation is fairly simple. Humans are programmed, like many other mammals, to be led. Be it Lemmings or Chimps, gorillas or Buffalo. Humans have an innate need for a leader, and those leaders are chosen for a variety of reasons, each individual having their own criteria, but able to find those who share their needs.
From Roman Caesar’s to Jesus, Kings to Hitler. These were in the light of knowledge not nice people, but had devoted followers willing to sacrifice their lives and fortunes to maintain their leader. Stalin received complete adulation from his supporters even though they were at constant risk of attracting his wrath, to be executed or sent off to die in Siberia, for some minor infraction.
What makes poor people want to donate money they can ill afford to these mega churches in support of their preachers lavish lifestyles? Why do people obsess over movie stars, or musicians who are not always good people? It is a human trait that we all have to one extreme or another. Trumplicans are no different. He is a knowledgeable TV star in the art of attracting attention and using that to his benefit.


The strategy of the far right, since the murder of Martin Luther King, has been to divide working and under class by race. Trump has capitalized on this adding immigrants to the white people's enemies list. So his support is from conservatives, people who will vote for any Republican and this base of poorly educated whites who believe everything Trump says. Those are the cult who support white power or they tolerate white power They think he's getting this election stolen because he told them. There will be violence and unrest in the United States and it's Trump's doing. Some of this will spill over into Canada unfortunately as well.


Here's a news link that talks about why Trump supporters stick with him and why other people can't understand why.

'Here’s what mainstream media never grasped about the psychology of Trump voters'


I almost mentioned the left lean of the site myself but decided not to bother. I generally trust people's ability to judge.

I will reference that common adage though -- 'Reality has a well known liberal bias'.

@RichCC Personally, I care less about the l/r leanings of a source than the way they deal with the facts. All media gets-it-wrong at times. The better ones admit/correct mistakes.

That's one of the reasons occasionally link to Raw Story, as opposed to say National Review. While Raw Story does sometimes do opinion pieces, they almost always give sources and links for their news.

I'm not as heavily invested in media 'fairness'(tm) or second guessing itself as I am in them being generally forthright with their sources.


Trump represents the interest of fascist, racist, misogynistic, Christian nationalist.
He's for the entire list of Christian agenda points, like banning abortion and prayer in schools.
He's the racist that doesn't know what racism is so he can deny being the huge racist he is.
He's your insane incel Qanon uncle that no one in your family talks about.

Just show us how fucked up christianity really is when they are supporting sex predators, child abusers, animal abusers, female and spouse abuse, and all out fascism!!

@of-the-mountain Happened in Russia under Putin-and American Ivangelicals fell in love with him. tRump supports all the aggrieved white talking points and sells a vision of America they endorse. But not only the whites, anyone who has bought into the American dream fantasy conservatives love to sell.The Detroit Free Press interviewed a poor/working class black family in Detroit about who they were voting for-one daughter was voting for tRump because she "planned on being rich some day" and Republicans treated the rich better. This is someone with no discernable skills or abilities that would send her on the way to millions, but hey, she deserved it and would therefore get it. Poor Republican voters see themselves as "temporarily discomfited Millionaires".


. . . a very good read :


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