Am I the only one who wants to shop the "naughty list"?
Liberty Counsel, the Religious Right hate group, has once again released its annual “Naughty and Nice” list (a.k.a. the “Friend or Foe” list), telling Christians where they ought to shop over the winter.
The “Nice” list includes companies that promote Christmas (by name) and Jesus. The “Naughty” list includes the companies that say “Happy Holidays” because they allegedly censor Christmas… or at least fail to show enough Christmas cheer.
I'd prefer the naughty list. These Aholes are unthinking twats. Just their stupid "outrage" a couple years ago because Starbucks did some, what was it, green and red starry cups? FFS, did any local shops change their cups at all? NO. dumbasses. And, I support local shops anyway - they don't have the big bucks.
Well, at least they're cutting Starbucks cups some slack this year....
I always did prefer Target to KMart but it’s just more silly polarisation, there are good and bad aspects of most companies. The assumption that things are one or the other, when most companies have shades of grey
is a big issue.
It’s difficult not to get caught up in the simple judgement though, I want to be in the gang too!
Are these people under the impression that THEIRS is the ONLY holiday during this time of year? I'm so weary of their WHINING....
Here we go again, the Christians have RESUMED the totally IMAGINARY "War Against Christmas" and are still blaming us for it.
Poor, deluded, misunderstood, persecuted little babies, IF they didn't have something to complain about their lives would be ever so boring.
The only time I hear about the War on Christmas is from Christians, no one else cares.
@dalefvictor Yep, same thing this way also.
I don't have a problem wishing someone merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah, etc or happy holidays. Damn people are so over sensitive these days...
@Canndue Very true. I agree.
You left out Saturnalia, which was the Roman Celebration held at approx. the same time as the God-botheres now claim their Jeebus Chrust was supposed to have been born.
Saturnalia usually went for between 7 and 12 days, where the Slaves became Masters and the Owners became the Slaves, there was giving of gifts from both sides, huge parties and feasts, etc, etc.
Sounds kind of familiar doesn't it?
Thanks. I copied that meme into my files to pull out when confronted with "war on christmas" memes
If you want Christmas cheer then drink some. Jesus will forgive you. After all, he changed water into wine. While you are at it, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Happy Solstice to you since IT IS the reason for the Season after all.
Oh, and let us NOT forget to have 1 minutes silence in remembrance of all EACH of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in this " War Against Christmas."
I used to say Merry Christmas a lot until they started trying to make me.Now it's always happy holidays for me.