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What would you define the word agnostic to be?

I have heard the term agnostic before, but I'd like to hear it from someone who calls themselves by this term.

Onemonstertodo 3 Nov 22

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a-gnostic, so i suggest “against knowing”


I'm agnostic, and I describe myself this way:
"I don't know and I don't care".


A born skeptic, I have been an atheist since childhood. Mom dropped us off for Sunday school, shoving us into the arms of the Lord. Never believed in an invisible god.

For a few years, I called myself "agnostic" because it seemed softer, more palatable to others. But this invited pushy Christians who tried to convert me.

So I went back to the more hard-ass "atheist" label. I remain cheerfully defiant.


One who questions or doubts the truth of a claim. It need not be about God, one can be agnostic about the healthy properties of broccoli, but that's the common usage.

The conversation would be better all in one post rather than three different ones.


Dictionaries say it better than I can.


Not agnostic or any other label. For your answer, see a dictionary.


One who attempts to hedge their bet. A hedge is an investment that is made with the intention of reducing the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security. Thus, if they're wrong they still get to go to heaven or hell.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I'm not agnostic, so I won't offer a definition.


I call myself an agnostic atheist. Some claim this is not right and that there are "agnostic" believers. This is pissing in the wind. Agnostic is simply A meaning without, and GNOSIS meaning knowledge of knowing. It means flatly that when it comes to religion I am without knowledge of the claims of gods being true.

I really exist.


I favor Bertrand Russell's description of an agnostic as one who, beyond not claiming absolute knowledge, believes that absolute knowledge is not possible.

In this sense, I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I can't know for certain that gods don't exist (I'm close to certain, but that ain't the same as knowing for sure.)

It is possible to know I exist.

“ gods don't exist”
yet we talk about them alla time, huh
your dog doesnt perceive you as a god, you don't think?
i drive a bus, and the look in a little boy’s eyes…ha

also, “exist” implies “objective evidence,” right
might not be the best metric for “real” here, dunno

@Word ok youve said that a couple times now, but fwiw the “I” you reference would not be recognized by any of your peers, were you to write down a description for them to read, is my understanding anyway


Why do people keep wanting to go down this bottomless hole?

What seems an old, tired question to you or me might seem new and interesting to one who's never asked it before.

Doesn't every little kid ask why the sky is blue? The fact that this question has been asked countless times before does not stop each new generation from asking afresh.


It ALL depends upon how a person so claiming it wants it to mean since these days it seems that actual Dictionary meanings are somewhat discounted in favour of personal intents, etc.

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