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LINK Right-Wing Host: Mr. Rogers Corrupted Children With His “Metrosexual Wimpiness” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

During an episode of his “Daily Wire” podcast this week, right-wing host Andrew Klavan trashed, of all people, Fred Rogers, the beloved children’s television host who’s the subject of a recent biopic.

What’s wrong with Mr. Rogers? He apparently “corrupted” a generation of boys by teaching them how to be “wimps.”

snytiger6 9 Nov 29

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They'll get around to everyone given time and free reign power. Nobody who's breathing, or ever has breathed, a hint of anything but pure white male strength is gonna survive if they rule. Fortunately, it looks like they might not.


These assholes are fucking imbeciles. Who listens to this crap?


Hitler would be so proud of his distant offspring continuing his legacy. He had many supporters in this country even as he blitzed his way across Europe and started his displacement of Jews. Once war was declared, his followers went into hiding, but they never went away. And their new Führer, Herr Drumph, announced himself as the leader they had been waiting for.

@Thirst2learn you live in la-la land.


@Thirst2learn Hitler may have been elected on the socialist ticket, but after he gained power he turned on, purged and imprisoned the socialists. Hitler was a Fascist, which iswas the capitalist form of totalitarianism.

It was a common ploy in the 1930's for fascists to spout socialist ideas to get elected. Hitler wasn't the only one. Juan Peron of Argentina also did the same thing.

@Thirst2learn I suggest that you crawl out of your little bubble, do some basic research on the difference between Communist, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal ne stay away from you Fascist Reading List or Republican speaking points. 🤣🤣 Maybe actually follow your handle, Thirst2learn rather than spewing Trumplican brain dead garbage.


If we lived in an "Old West" movie set and lived by a hollywood script, perhaps John Wayne would be an appropriate role model. But we live in a real world where street fights with guns results in real people dying. Why has the Medevil ethos of violence and fighting replaced diplomacy and compromise? Why are "true men" thought to be brutes and not gentlemen?


He is just jealous because Mr Rogers is so loved.

He was revered..... I maybe saw five minutes of his show in my whole life. I didn’t see him as bad, but definitely not my cup of tea

@Canndue I only ever seen snippets of him as I do not live in the US and we did not have him here as far as I know, but I always thought that he spoke very nicely.

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