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LINK Aidan Ellison: A man fatally shot a teenager in Ashland, Oregon for playing loud music Thanksgiving week - CNN

There was a similar case in Florida a couple of years ago and I had the exact same thought this time, "Who in the fuck is SO intolerant that they'd kill someone, a KID, over loud music?" And my next thought, both times, "Oh...yeah! This is America." I can NOT imagine being 47 years old and being so insensed about loud music that I feel the only option is to shoot to kill. What an angry, miserable, hostile and hateful person one must be on the inside to even think a thought such as that.

And let's get real! Call 911. That's what that number is for. And remember!!!!!! They'll come and shoot the kid for you and you won't have to go to prison. Yet again, this is America!

And one more Mother just got added to the "Needless Death Of A Child" club. 😢

*Footnote: The Florida case landed the shooter in jail for life and the circumstances were much more complex than this case. So as the Judge in the Florida case stated: "...for all intent and purpose, Sir, your life is over." I expect a similar outcome in this newer case. (Except Oregon is a tad sane. They believe in rehabilitation, so likely 25 to Life with a possibility. As it should be.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not sure if I've ever seen a gun rights advocate address themselves to this concept for limitations on (or outright bans of) gun ownership, but in any case, it is the argument which more or less governs my thinking on the matter:

Monopoly on violence

kmaz Level 7 Nov 30, 2020

29% of all Veterans are women and a smaller % of cops are women 100% of us were trained to kill ANYWHERE on this planet....the Pentagon profiteers since 1946 have brainwashed 200 million people to see enemies everywhere and Veterans For Peace have rarely mustered 40% in Congress to filabuster continued murders funding over 23 trillion worth of murders and unnecessary weapons since 1982...I will never divorce isolated violence from our violent culture....seeking gun laws to apply only to isolated perpetrators is a fools parade when USA distributes more guns for profit WORLDWIDE than all other countries combined


Really sad. Of course, all you have to do today is call 911 and say a kid is playing loud music and he has a gun. The cops will come and shoot him for you without even speaking to that kid. Usually they do this even when it is not a real gun.


SMH horrendous

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 29, 2020

Just goes to prove the absolute validity of the reason given by so many NRA member that they NEED guns to protect themselves and their property ..., from noisy kids armed with MP3 players.


That is so needless and sad. When we first started we had a neighbor who was upset at our rehearsal one afternoon. He didn't pull a gun on us, but after we finished he sent his middle school aged son out in the yard with his tuba to play in our direction. I don't remember how long he played, but I felt sorry for him.

@SeaGreenEyez WOW! The gun mentality in this country has always amazed me. I have played biker bars, shitkicker bars, and hung out in the same. I never felt I needed a gun. I really believe our movies and the glorification of the guns in western and gangster movies has had some affect on our society at some level. I used to watch European movies years ago and their movies were about people and not violence for violence sake. Of course I could be completely wrong. 🙂

@SeaGreenEyez You are right. A guy I have played with for three years pointed out that 50% of the people have a double digit IQ. I try to keep that in mind. I heard a political campaign manager a few years ago say that 50% of Americans are stupid and about half of those stupid people are even more stupid. So you pretty much nailed it. As Ron White said, "You can't fix stupid'! That's not elitist, that's science! 😉

@Sticks48 European movies are very very different to hollywood movies. Firstly they don't have a philosophy of solving problems by getting a bigger gun, but secondly they have this other attribute completely foreign to hollywood movies called a "plot". Hollywood movies once had this attribute but it's been replaced by these things called CGI and special effects.

@Cyklone Yep.


DO NOT THANK ME FOR MY fucking service gawddammit


True cops do kill kids routinely too often.... the rage you describe is much deeper culturally.....weapons & warriors are bred/fitted to kill upon a blink of an eye.... I know.... I am a Veteran and all of us were brutally "trained" for battle/orders.... loud music is just one of many "triggers" that stimulate or remind us of our shoot to kill mentality.... choosing Veterans For Peace organizing the past 4 decades has repaired and muted our violent brainwashing of 1971

@SeaGreenEyez many cops are Veterans too and I insist gun violence inside USA and outside USA is not and has not been legal since 1946 .... a xian supremacist war culture that keeps blacks in ghetto browns in barrios red in reservations boys shot by cops girls kidnapped raped trafficked murdered .... the ENEMY is USA fascism and theocracy zionism most voters did not ask a single peace question answered from BidenS nor TrumpOLINI...sorry to drumbeat this fact when you detail 2 shootings 3000 miles apart FL - OR but movies are full of senseless shootings as entertainment sustains the deadly love affair with USA guns and war privateering deeply rooted in the subconscious of Veterans and civilians alike

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