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LINK Are religions similar to capitalist businesses?

Religion is very much a business. A kind of business that sells certain products and services, symbolizing certain hopes and desires, and requires certain kinds of payments from customers. There are marketers and managers, and there are regular conferences and seminars in the business of religion, to keep it going. There is a myth of an “invisible hand” working things mysteriously in both religion (an unseen but selectively intervening deity) and in capitalism (the invisible hand of the market) ... According to German political economist Max Weber, capitalism as we know it is the product of Protestant Christian influence. It could be said that religion privatizes the very lives, and even deaths, of believers.

altschmerz 9 Nov 30

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Religion is a spiritual protection racket.


I don't think there is an " invisible hand " in marketing and markets . I think markets follow quiet visible rules, causes and consequences, ectr . I did read somewhere that capitalism started in Europe with " Hansestädte " trading , there might have been plenty of Protestants in those " Hansestädten "
. With ships crossing this worlds oceans the trading became international and that way capitalism ( and btw. racism to ) got spread around the world . Just my 2 cents.

@altschmerz me neither 🤣. But Im sure theres more Math than God behind it 👍🏾


Depends on what "religion " you are talking about.

The kind of religion you seen to talk about is more of a government religion like the United States of America is the secret religion of the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers.

Capitalism slavery requires identification for buying and selling. Such here by America devil worship laws, requiring birth certificate, social security number and photo identification a long with businesses to file business incorporation papers with government clerks office and tax revenue officials.

The "religious" mandate in biblical text is written in such a metaphorical manner with riddle that it requires a high level of knowledge and intelligence capabilities to understand, thus allowing the information to be passed on to "smart" people and to enslave the stupid people to minimum wage slave labor rates.

that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Revelations 13:17

Word Level 8 Dec 1, 2020

@altschmerz for at least 2000 years and still in modern print and usage, Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

@altschmerz sounds rather biblical to me.

The second beast (current new world order) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast (Roman catholic attempt at world domination), so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. Revelations 13:15


They are the same in that they are both greedy and could never have enough.


No shit, Sherlock!

@altschmerz too easy.


Religion is a business, it should be taxed like one.


Honeybees don't have cash registers....wolves don't dig for gold.... beavers don't build prisons or temples..... spiders don't catch baseballs ....only humans are UNnatural devolved beings ... people stop being feral when boys are sexually mutilated children brainwashed into religion raped by priests sold into sex trafficking or slavery.... when language changed from honest caring to dishonest manipulative schemes Humanity lost their Feminist Atheist birthrights


Well, actually, religion is a capitalist business.. with false advertisement and a bait-and-switch tactic, a payment plan with endless weekly installments, a stale unhealthy product, an old and decrepit spokesperson but with a lot of air time, district managers and franchisees that do whatever they want with no direction from the main office... main office? What main office? An old brick-and-mortar business model based on the pay-now-pray-later weekly special, with a large workforce of volunteers, and with a group of costumers that do not know how to find or even look for a better product.


It does look that way.


Similar? Of course not!! They are exactly the same!!


Religions are not similar to capitalist businesses
Religion is the archetype to capitalist business.


Normal interest mortgages are "haram" in Islam so the purchaser buys the house together with the bank who then charge rent on their portion. Pathetic. It's still interest whatever they call it.

@altschmerz Right !

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