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Do you consider evolution a more possible explanation for life?

Josaldo33 3 Nov 28

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Origin of life is the great mystery.Evolution explains everything after this


Everyone here should read Dawkins, especially "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution". Gobsmackingly brilliant.


Right now it's the only explanation we have.


Glad to see we’re all on the same page.


What other plausible explanations are there for life, that has any kind of evidence attached to it? Evolution is IT baby! No other explanation fits the question.


We do not know what combination of physical forces and conditions led to the initial origin of life here. But, i KNOW that evolution explains what happened from there.

Evolution is not a theory but an established principle. It has so much supporting evidence that the principle is settled science.. Saying that is a theory is what non-believing religious people say to demean the idea.


Yes because it's a better theory than creationism.


I read an article yesterday about a new species of finch evolving in just two generations. The only people denying evolution are those who have a vested interest in it not being true.


Evolution is an undisputed scientific fact. There is no debate in the scientific community that life has evolved over billions of years. The question is how. The theory of natural selection seems to be an excellent explanation for how evolution takes place, and it's been well supported over the last 150 years. The only problematic question is how life began in the first place. There are scientists who are looking into the idea of abiogenesis and how it might have taken place.

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