I love ME TV but over half the stuff it has I would no longer watch or even cross the street to see. Flintstones is no longer funny but I remember it well. I remember when Fred and Barney smoked. I find Hogans Hero's totally ridiculous. Green Acres is as idiotic today as it was in the 1960's. I'll watch it anytime.
Anyone with favorites on ME TV or shows they have that you just do not like?
i haven't watched for a while. just changed tv services since centuryink, those gonifs, stopped providing any service at all. i went to at&t and i couldn't get everything i wanted without logging into google and my pw didn't work. turns out i left out an extra S in my screen name. problem solved. so now i have to search for me tv and find out what crap, i mean programming, they're offering now. richard liked it berter than i did anyway. i used to watch... was it me tv that had combat? i like that. hogan's heroes, ugh, my family didn't even allow it. green acres, SILLY. but there was something else and then they stopped. sorry to be so vague. i'll check it out and see if they've cleanred up their act. oh but i do remember how racist those old westerns were! the rifleman? feh!