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How come god is always portrayed in male attributes ? What happened to the god who created man and woman in his/hers/ image? Hard to get.. Religion’s like rocket science 🙄

Charlynature 4 Dec 28

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Considering the era when the term god first came it seems rather obvious why. Since then we don’t change traditions or challenge them. If you truly have an issue with this you can create your own church and redefine what you want the image of god to be. I’m sure you’ll be successful either way. There are a lot of lambs in this world that are easily persuade.


can someone put an end to this utterly pointless and self adsorbed feminist horn honking? i don't mind that "intelligent" life on our planet will soon receive its just deserts, but must we go out with this obnoxious tune ringing in our ears? this pretzel in particular is making my very thirsty.


How come? Do you know of any religion that is not mysoginistic? There's nothing easier to get, ancient humans who were basically ignorant morons created these religions to subjugate those who were even more stupid than them. It worked.

Poor women 😞


Rocket science is based on objective evidence. Where is the evidence for any god?


If 'god' exists at all, I doubt it's male or female, or even an entity at all. I'd say it'd be better described as 'everything.' Just a possible way to redefine 'god.'


Religion's actually more difficult to make sense of than rocket science, thank goodness, or we might never have gone to the moon! With all of the absurdities, inconsistencies, barbarisms, contradictions and prestidigitation, little wonder that the whole of most religions is even more insane than the sum of its parts.


Um, rocket science is easy: just stir in the appropriate mix of mathematics, physics and chemistry. Religion, on the other hand, is a madness of monks of multiple provenances.


When we say homo sapian there is not a specific sex designed. Before "human" was coined for political correctness, man or mankind was the term often used and with the word "man" prior to human, it would be in context of what was said to determine if someone was talking about mankind or saying man referring to specifically the male anatomy.

Otherwise, there are "gods" that are considered to be female. In English with "God", it is most often considered male and goddess the female.

If you study biblical Hebrew word "ruach" it has feminine gender for a word.

Word Level 8 Dec 28, 2020

@Gwendolyn2018 I like this video explaining original language of the garden myth. If you watch video, it explains better than I can explain now, but he explains some that Adam and Eve were created both together side by side.

My personal input is that it is a metaphor story of the 2 sides of a D.N.A. (rib) as in x chromosome and y chromosome. Make and female both come from dna. The male has the different y chromosome compared to females.


Patriarchal social structure. Some stories say Eve wasn't even the 1st woman. Before her was Lilith, but she's rarely discussed or is regarded as a vile temptress. Why break a rib off Adam, when Lilith's already there? After Eve takes the fruit from the tree, why not just punish her and grab another rib and try again? He's got several, so at some point, you're bound to make the right one, right? Someone's a quitter.

@Gwendolyn2018 I worked for a manager who had a side gig as a pastor, who offered a response, but not an answer, to the question (Lilith aside): Adam was the 1st human created, from whom Eve was created, and the 2 bore Cain and Abel, who bore children with spontaneously appearing women? His reply was that Adam & Eve had 1000s of children, but apparently none of them were ever worthy of mention and somehow, incest wasn't a thing yet. It's like an Agatha Christie book, in which aliens kill the victim on page 16 and are granted 2 pages of words, never to be mentioned again, and the reader finishes the book wondering why the editor allowed those 2 pages to remain, knowing they threw everything else off.

@Gwendolyn2018 If I wanted to read this how would I get a copy? I looked and found what I was reading confusing and did not get to a text. Thanks for any effort.


Maybe, just maybe, because we all know that IF you want anything stuffed up completely ONLY a man can do the job to perfection....LOL
Oh, and men are known for NEVER reading the Instructions/Directions first as well.

It's probably a misanthropic guy with a communications degree that does the wordless assembly instructions for Ikea furniture

@chalupacabre I feel personally attacked by this statement 😂

@Mvtt which part? Misanthrope? Comms degree? Ikea employee? I confess - I don't work for Ikea.

@chalupacabre haha everything except ikea. Fortunately I managed better job prospects than that, despite the horrible choice of arts majors and misanthropic outlook.

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