You know how “Christian movie” is just shorthand for a bad movie that bludgeons you over the head with Jesus?
A couple of filmmakers decided to capitalize on the trend by making a movie about a couple of filmmakers who capitalize on the trend by making a bad Christian movie. (Catch all that?)
It’s called Faith Based. It stars Seinfeld‘s Jason Alexander among others. And the trailer, which just came out today, features two of the producers, Luke Barnett and Tanner Thomason, just… reading through comments about the film made on conservative news sites.
(“Here are our top ten favorite comments from FOX News and Breitbart readers about a movie that no one has seen yet.” “There were over 10,000.&rdquo
(Follow link for the video clip)
Sounds funny. I totally agree that Christian films rake in the dough since they have a dedicated audience that will see all of them no matter how bad they are. Hope this one is profitable also, probably will be with all the free publicity. Nice to see Jason Alexander is still getting work.