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LINK Researchers Say Christian Nationalism is Making It Harder to End the Pandemic | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

We know the pandemic won’t end unless enough Americans are vaccinated, and one of the biggest barriers to people getting the shots they need may be Christian Nationalism, the ideology that involves (among other things) rejecting science and pledging allegiance to right-wing political leaders.

According to new research published in the journal Socius by sociology professors Andrew L. Whitehead and Samuel L. Perry, who also wrote the book Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States, Christian Nationalists “are much more likely to question the safety of vaccines and to be misinformed about them.”

snytiger6 9 Jan 3

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Preachers know if people practice social distancing and pray at home, they will discover they don't need the preachers and how will they pay for the Mecedes then?


This isn’t the least bit surprising
Who knows how far you’d have to travel in the future before humankind is guided by logic, reason and science rather than misguided ideology
I self identify as an Agnostic Atheist however I have no issues with religion done right
The problem is people of religious beliefs cannot separate that Science is not to uplift nor generate faith Science simply is a way to describe our natural world and universe
It is used to progress, identify, create and explain our world both past, present and future
Religion should be used as faith mechanism to make someone feel better about life beyond this life if you’re I to that sort of thing
It is not an explanation it is a feeling


If the faithfools refuse the vaccine, then more of them will die. But, sadly they spread covid when they get it.


Fuck them all! Of course, never literally, unless your name is Long Dong Silver.


Not surprising in the least


Imo, 100% correct given this analogy,
A person has a herd/flock of Sheep, 1 sheep gets Lice, the whole flock also gets lice from the originally infested sheep.
What does ANY intelligent Farmer do, he IMMEDIATELY TREATS ALL the sheep in the flock/herd for lice, problem solved.
BUT, IF the farmer ONLY treats the infested sheep and NOT the entire herd/flock, problem is by no means solved in any way, shape nor form.
It is, in fact, merely placing a Sticking plaster on severed Artery in the vain hopes of stemming the blood loss. I.E. A COMPLETE and UTTER waste of time and effort.
And should these manic Chrustians object/refuse to be vaccinated, then so be it BUT ISOLATE them ALL as far away from the rest of Human kind as possible and LET their Gawd and Jeebus Chrust take of them imo.


I call it American Exceptionalism. Fortunately it's only 71M people strong.


@Mofo1953 Google.

@rainmanjr link?


Dummies like make glad I'm an Atheist and sad that I didn't make the decision earlier in life.


I have no issue with the determinedly stupid and the willfully ignorant killing themselves by means of Covid-19. However, that does not justify their spreading the disease to other people.

Fortunately people tend to gather by tribe these days so they're mostly passing it among themselves. I'm not only fine with that but encourage it. 71M and falling...down.

@OldMetalHead So tell them to get right with God and protect the health of others around them. Do not let them talk. Point and, in your best Preacher voice, call them sinners and heathens. They shut up and go away. Trust me.


Did anyone think any different, after all they are rather 'closed' to a lot of things in life.


Here is one to think on with this. Trump appealed to Christian Nationalism because the idea was for the top 1 percent to make money selling a vaccine. Then only the infected want vaccinated.


Ummmm, wasn't that quite obvious from like the beginning. 🤔


One only becomes brainwashed at their own free will.

I don’t pledge allegiance to ANYTHING OR ANYBODY. Whoever has a problem with that too bad.


The Amerikan Taliban trying to take over and reset the rules to "What Would Saudis Arabia Do if Xtions?"

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