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LINK Meanwhile in Texas: It's Illegal to Own More Than 6 Dildos

In general, the law keeps us safe, protects us from “bad actors,” and ideally supports a functional society. But sometimes, the law oversteps and ends up legislating private matters it has no business butting into, like our sex lives. Some restrictions – especially in hindsight – are downright ridiculous. Don’t believe us? Have we got a story for you…

snytiger6 9 Jan 6

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Well after quite some 'deep probing.' (pun intended here btw) I have come to the conclusion that the legislation in question may well be somewhat 'biblically based' in that " Usage of such self-satisfying devices IS permitted from Monday through Saturday, variety IS the Spice of Life, BUT Sundays ARE Holy Days and NOT Holey Days," LOL.


im a criminal

Fill your house with hidden locations, to hide your illegal stash. All within easy reach, in case of emergencies.

Have you heard of or tried the newly invented and made Irish version of the Dildo?
It is 100% Eco-friendly because it IS Solar Powered....LOL.


If it's double ended, does it count as two?

I hear drumpy has an extra lawyer or 2 free, until tomorrow, anyway......

@AnneWimsey Just asking for a friend...

@EarnestEccentric I'm glad that's clear.

@AnneWimsey I'd have thought that THEY would have been the places where dildos were inserted and NOT the actual dildos....LOL.


No limit on weapons. I feel much safer now.


Crap, guess I ain't movin' there......


Only in Texas


Do they allow sex toy shops in Texas now? It seems like the last time I went toLake Texoma there were sex toy shops on the border but I can't remember which border.


Yep, they do. We have a Condoms to Go right up the street next to the Half Price Books and the grocery store.

they do and most of the shops have glory holes too that is some nasty shit right there


Apparently, the law makers in Texas have nothing to better to do with there time.


It is always the Republicans who like to meddle in our personal lives while harping on freedoms. I hate hypocrites. Everything is bigger in Texas including the number of stupid people.

they pass laws to control women's rights but talk about making men get snipped if a rapist or a serial dead beat dad and they call you crazzy


Say what now?


And they enforce that how?

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