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"Oh my god, that's treating other people with respect gone mad!"

Nessie_W 5 Jan 14

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Did my comment drive @Nessie_W off the site? That was not my intent.


The degree of acceptance in society of any PC "rule" varies.

It shouldn't be difficult to accept the courtesies that are widely accepted in society (a circular definition, I realize!). Some of the more idiosyncratic "rules" (opinions) can get a little out there and tick some people off. Then they may be inclined to throw the baby out with the bath water and dismiss all PCness as hogwash.

What is PC is constantly in flux. When Native Americans started going by "Native Americans", there was not unanimity among them. Some actually preferred to continue being called "Indians." (Although, that seems to have been settled, in the main.)

It's a confusing mine field. I know "Oriental" is now taboo, but I never really saw why that was considered derogatory - maybe because it's a label that can be applied based on appearance? I don't know. "Asian" now lumps in Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans, et al, with the formerly-called-Orientals.

Never will everyone agree on this. Unfortunately, the term "politically correct" has taken on (or been given) a contentious connotation. But I agree that for the most part, it's a matter of common courtesy (with some odd exceptions).


In my honest opinion there is being correct and decent towards all others and THEN there is Political Correctness, something that has gone from being an Ideology to being an absolute Absurdity.
For example, under P.C. one can no longer, legitimately refer to a simple 'man-hole' as being a 'man-hole' IT MUST by P.C. be referred to as being a 'Person-hole.'
A set of Electrical connectors can NO longer be referred as being "Male and Female" connectors/sockets since that is both NOT being Politically Correct but also Sexist as well.
What were once called "Fairy Penguins" can no longer, under P.C. rules be called so, since the Gay Community in some places have taken exception to the usage of the words Fairy Penguins.
Jeez Louise, even the humble Rainbow that appears in the sky after rain MUST, to be 100% Politically Correct, be used ONLY as the Emblem for the L.G.B.T. Q.I. Communities , a bloke can't find a pair of ordinary shorts in a Clothing Store these day that has a fly so when wearing them he ACTUALLY stand UP and into a Urinal as men have done for decades and more, no, they've almost ALL gone 100% Unisex in style.
FFS, what IS next, will we ALL be required to sit down to pee?

@Nessie_W Ever tried to squat for a pee in the middle of nowhere, especially if you have Arthritis in one your knees, it ain't all that simple you know.
Yes, the rainbow after rain is a phenomenon caused by the refraction of white lights as it passes through the prism like shape/s of water droplets, I know that also BUT P.C. has, imo, take that way, way over the limits of absurdity.
There ARE and always have been differing 'customs' in differing cultures around the world, that too is common knowledge as well.
But would you, for example, accept readily the rite/rituals of ONLY eating foods classed as being 'Halal' in YOUR OWN home/country even IF you were NOT a Muslim?

Your exaggerations are humorous, a bit, but not helping.

What in the actual fuq is a Fairy Penguin?

The other things are called manholes and male female connectors in every instance I have seen.

It is usually christians who harp about the vile homosexuals "stealing" the rainbow and think it should be for their use only. Rainbows are still for use by everyone.

Pants still have flys. Where are you shopping?

@BufftonBeotch K-Mart, Target, etc, is where I get my shorts from.

@BufftonBeotch Fyi, a "Fairy" Penguin is an Aquatic bird of the Penguin species, very small in comparison to other penguins.

@AnneWimsey If perchance you are referring to my comments, etc, then perhaps you may wish to try living with the, imo, OVER Exaggerated P.C. attitudes that run rampant here where I live.

How is a pair of pants designed that forces you to sit to pee?

I think you need to explain.

@BufftonBeotch Jeez Louise, do you REALLY need a lecture on the gender differences between males and females in Human kind?


Treating other people with respect is how it should be.

Receiving Courtesy when it is DUE IS something that should be done towards ALL others, BUT Respect itself is NOT a given , it must first be earned.


Used to be called COMMON COURTESY!


Most people who complain about "political correctness" are not people I want around me.


Denigrating people for their culture or color is fucking racist!

Denigrating anyone is bad

@Canndue may be bad but not racist.

@Mofo1953 good point


Treating other people with respect is fascism pretending to be manners.

That is not what Carlin said so why do you put quotes in your version?

@Mofo1953 Good point. Fixed.

@Nessie_W You appear to believe that you have the magical power to evaluate others' ethics and intentions. You assume the authority to issue orders to others.
You need to get over yourself.

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