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This sign is in my front yard (although right now there is also snow). I had it custom made for me on line and put it up four days after the election. Now Biden is President, how much longer show I leave it up? Most of my neighborhood is republican, although a few of those republicans never did like Trump (yet they never said that to their neighbors who were hardcore Trumpers). Your thoughts.

How long should I leave this Trump sign in my yard?

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creative51 8 Jan 20

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Depends on how much vandalism and harassment you are interested in experiencing. They may also vandalize your house, not just the sign.

@creative51 It's your life and your property. I'm surrounded by Repubs and conservative Christians in my condo development, so even if the homeowner's association did not prohibit political signs, it would not be worth it to me to provoke them to hassle me. My only desire is to be left alone by and not hassled by my neighbors. I avoid and ignore them as much as possible, so I already have that anti-social reputation. But why bother when almost none of them are college educated, politically liberal, or at all intellectual? I've already had enough small talk about the weather to last a lifetime, so I don't need to bother pretending with them that I have any interest in them. I just use this as a place to live, nothing more...


...then shoot them for trespassing


Leave it up until father time and mother nature say it should come down.


Trump is just a small part of the problem.

The virus is the duopoly.


Demonstrate his irrelevance - take it down now.

skado Level 9 Jan 20, 2021
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